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2 years ago

I’d say you concentrate too much on it. It’s all a thing of the psyche. Purely theoretically, you are able to activate and exploit everything the psyche has available. Just try to make it clear next time that it isn’t “real” but only triggered by your psyche.

Hope you can still enjoy your consumption despite these unsightly experiences.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Generally it is to say that it is highly individual how drugs act on people. Many factors play a role in this. Like genetics, gender, weight, emotional and physical condition, daily form and expectations (Set), the environment (Setting), any reconciliation effects and, of course, the dose.

Cannabis is not the same as cannabis. The plant contains numerous active ingredients which, depending on the variety and cultivation conditions, can be present in more or less large quantities and determine the overall effect. In addition, you never know exactly what you get on the black market. Neither cultivation nor trade are as strictly controlled as is customary in legal drugs.

With so many factors a whole range of effects and side effects is possible. Why one trembles or perceives the trembling more strongly, it is attempted to explain:

“What is cannabis trembling and why does it occur?”,

You can find a lot of general information about the effects and side effects usually generated and the known risks associated with consumption here:

2 years ago

No, these are permanent appearances with which you have to live now, and they are also amplifying.

2 years ago
Reply to  46435675

Until you just fall off the chair with these stretches, you know it.

2 years ago

Then your body already signals that you don’t feel well. Listen to your body and let it be.