Durch Trockesex schwanger?
Hey Leute 🙂
Ich hatte gestern mit einem Typen “Trockensex” sagen wir mal, also Sex Bewegungen, aber voll angezogen. Wir sind beide nicht gekommen und er hatte Jeans mit Boxershorts und ich einen Tanga und Jogginghose an. Ich nehme die Pille, jedoch habe ich vor einem Monat Antibiotika genommen und im Internet steht überall etwas unterschiedliches, zu wann die Pille wieder wirkt.
Ich weiß, die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist sehr gering, aber wollte nur nochmal hier fragen, ob Ihr denkt, das könnte zu einer Schwangerschaft führen? Ich bin am 3. Zyklustag gerade
It’s not possible. Sperms don’t get into your vagina through 4 clothes layers. And if this is a month ago with the antibiotic, protection is no longer affected.
Thank you very much & nice Sunday 🙂
Only if you are the Virgin Mary and God has congratulated her.
Don’t call it Jesus 🙋🏼 ♀️
I just wanted to write, laugh
How to get pregnant? Sperms can neither fly nor can they penetrate layers of fabric.
you will not get pregnant
There are textiles that suck heavily. These are towels, sheets or clothes. Sperms can no longer move on all these textiles after a few minutes. The same also applies to toilet paper. And if they no longer move, they can no longer penetrate the underwear or other clothes. So let’s assume a man has a underpants. And he ejaculates in it. Then a woman can’t get pregnant. She can’t get pregnant even if this happens directly at her sex.
How can a woman get pregnant?
Pregnant can become a woman when sperms with enough seed fluid get directly into their vagina (skin). The vagina is inside. So it can get pregnant during intercourse. And she can get pregnant if she or her partner brings enough fresh ejaculate (=sperm) to the vagina entrance or introduces it into the vagina.
Thanks for the factual and informative answer 🙂
How can there be a pregnancy in these circumstances? Excuse me, but can’t you answer that yourself?
Whether your pill “works” or not is completely the same in this scenario!
As I have already written, I know that it’s actually totally unlikely, but I’m kind of worried that what has come through the fabric and to me or something… is stupid I know but I’m just panic afraid of getting pregnant
What’s going on?
Do not know how pregnancy arises
If you don’t know at all, why don’t you tell me before you think about sex?
Let yourself be enlightened
You have no cycle with taking the pill
Ergo No
The chance is 0.0%!