Durch Schnupftabak mit dem Rauchen aufhören?
Ich rauchte 2-3 Jahre lang und habe mir jetzt vorgenommen aufzuhören, da ich keine Gesundheitliche Probleme bekommen will. Seit 3 Wochen rauche ich nicht mehr und wollte wissen, ob ich durch Schnupftabak rückfällig werde. Noch möchte ich wissen ob ich gesundheitliche Probleme durch Schnupftabak bekommen kann.
Danke im vorraus
That’s why you’re on cigarettes and instead you’d rather destroy your nasal skins?
In other words, the plague is replaced by cholera, although not healthy, but different.
Tobacco is generally problematic. Whether smoked or snuffed or sucked under the upper lip.
A good alternative is sugar-free gum. This is cool, ensures saliva flow and tastes good.
Many success coaches rely on gum instead of on Schnupftabak.
Do you mean nicotine gum or normal gums?
Hey GrillBasta15,
It’s great that you want to stop smoking to protect your health! The change to Schnupftabak may seem like a possible alternative. However, it should be noted that it is not free from health risks. For example, it can cause problems such as oral cancer, caries and gum diseases. If you want to stay completely smoke-free and tobacco-free, you might be able to help you with tabac-free alternatives such as steamers or, as has already been suggested, chewing gums.
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Good luck and good luck,
sandro by mudrastreetwork / DigiStreet
Schnupftabak is also pretty bad. You increase your risk of mouth and throat and stomach cancer. Not really a substantial improvement to lung cancer and mouth and throat cancer risk by smoking.
Tobacco is just poison for your body. Let consumption be best if you want to keep your cancer risk low.
Try it with the e-cigarette!