Durch Petting schwanger werden. Ist dies möglich?
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe mit meiner Freundin Petting betrieben. Dabei war ich angezogen und sie nackt. Ich fin*erte Sie und wir machten rum (rumgeknutscht). Später bemerkte ich das meine Unterhose und Jeans leicht nass waren (wahrscheinlich Lusttropfen). Jetzt haben wir Angst, dass im Eifer des Gefechts ich mir an die Jeans gefasst habe und etwas in die Vagi** meiner Freundin gelangt ist (durch das finger*).
Mir ist auch klar das Spermien auf saugfähigen Material (Hose,…) nur kurz überlebensfähig sind und nicht durch Stoff durchdringen. Nichts desto Trotz bleibt die Angst bei uns Weiterhin bestehen weshalb wir uns aus den Szenario heraus folgende Frage stellen:
Ist es möglich so schwanger zu werden?
In the lust drop, preejaculate in the specialist jargon, movable sperms can be present in sufficient concentration to allow fertilization.
https://www.mye-notfallpille.de/pregnant-become-through-lust drop
However, if you were still dressed, it is very unlikely that fertilization took place. The majority of the preejaculate will probably be stuck to the trousers. Even if you touch them and then put your fingers in the vagina of your partner, fertilization is quite unlikely. Your fingers would be at most slightly moistened and I tremble, which would then even find motile (so moving functional) sperm on your fingers.
Even though the probability is extremely low, it is of course impossible to exclude it completely.
The pill after that:
So, if you want to go extra safely, talk to a female physician/dance doctor and let you advise. However, you should make this as quick as possible, so ideally immediately, so that you can still use the “patch after” in doubt.
If you don’t have to make it to/to the women’s doctor/women’s doctor tomorrow for any reason, then at least go to the pharmacy and get them. The “pill after” or Emergency prevention should be as early as possible but (depending on active substance) within the first 72 hours after intercourse or the possible fertilization.
Since 2015, this is also available in pharmacies without prescription and usually costs between 14 and 37 €. Also in the pharmacy you can let yourself be advised again.
Again: It is likely to be extremely unlikely that this is necessary. But if you want to go super dolle mega super duper extra safe, that would be a sensible way.
All the best of you and relax, it’ll probably be all right. :
Thank you for your detailed and quick answer. There we are, in any case, more calmed.
By Petting itself yes. In your case No
For that, your sperm would have to be dripping through your underpants, through your jeans, so your fingers were wet from the sperm when you introduced them into your girlfriend.
And that’s very unpredictable.
Thank you for your quick feedback. As I said, I am even relatively sure that I have not put myself on my pants or on my step in the course of the file.
It is very unlikely that something has happened, but you cannot exclude 100%.
These lust drops are still in your own jeans. They’re not fucked out. Your jeans was wet because you were wet.
She’s 0 percent pregnant, but still go to test a pregnancy