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1 year ago

You can’t make any more money today. Thirty years ago, you would have had good chances as an office specialist, as a fast keyboard skill was still expected. But today, the programs contain all text modules, so that only codes have to be entered in individual fields.

You are still writing emails to customers here and there, but most of the processes are repeated so that you can already store formulations there.

The fast keyboard capability nevertheless has an advantage, but rather a complementary advantage and is no longer a grounding requirement, since it is much more important to be familiar with the corresponding billing programs, e.g. SAP.

Where you can actually tap really quickly is a translator:in, but it is even more important to be able to use the corresponding languages.

1 year ago

Stenographers or recordwriters will probably be used for a while, although they could automate everything today.

1 year ago

Secretary, translator and interpreter, logging, correction reader, editor in backend, fill content webpages, maybe with more know-how programmers. At my best times I made 280-300 keystrokes per minute.

1 year ago

In all professions where you have a lot to do with computers. Is (solt!) there actually be standard.

1 year ago


As a programmer/coder it is advantageous.