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neither a commercial training nor a study – both provide knowledge and professional skills, but no guarantee of the greatest possible success.
In addition to knowledge and skills, it is important that we always focus on feelings, patience, concentration and the use of emotional intelligence.
There should even be dog hairdressers who have become millionaires. Of course, there is the possibility whether it becomes reality is another question.
If you are interested in building assets, you can become a millionaire if you invest enough year with probably every career.
Yes, of course….we didn’t need to study at that time, but we worked high after training and after 30 years of work we were millionaires. It takes time, because the hard-earned money must first be invested and grow.
How many do you know where it worked? And with how many millionaires exactly these two trainings were crucial for monetary success?
With a good idea and a plan it goes without everything;-)
Can work.
But certainly not by dropshipping
But simply you just have to put 500 € into a good depot every month, then you’re 45 years millionaire