Hi ich habe schon Mal vor ca.4monaten geraucht aufgehört und jetzt wieder angefangen war das dumm LG bin 13
Hi ich habe schon Mal vor ca.4monaten geraucht aufgehört und jetzt wieder angefangen war das dumm LG bin 13
Hallo, meine Mutter und ich streiten uns jeden Tag und das auch noch richtig heftig. Ich möchte jetzt nicht sagen worum es geht aber ich habe danach immer richtige heulattacken und Nervenzusammenbrüche die ganze Nacht lang. Ich wollte fragen ob es irgendeineliste mit Skills oÄ. gibt wie man sowas verhindern kann. Halt das ich nciht…
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Hat man sein Leben schnell versaut z.B durch Fehlentscheidungen? Und hat dann nur noch die Möglichkeit sich jeden Tag mit schlechter Laune zu einem verhassten Arbeitsplatz der einem selbst keinen Mehrwert bietet zu schleppen?
Hallo, Ich kiffe leidenschaftlich gerne, da ich aber nun aufhören muss, soll ich in eine Entzugsklinik (hat der Arzt entschieden). Da ich aber das alles alleine schaffe, möchte ich vorher aufhören um “clean” dort zu sein. Weiß jemand ob ich dann trotzdem die 14Tage dort bleiben muss, oder haben die dann keinen Grund mich dort…
Hab zum ersten Mal an eine Zigarette gezogen und irgendwie fühlt sich meine Wahrnehmung anders an. Ich weiß nicht ob es daran liegt das ich Epilepsie habe aber irgendwie habe ich direkt Schwindel und Kopfschmerzen
der klemmt seit tagen bekomme den nicht auf tips?
To smoke with 13 is a very questionable thing. For whatever reason you do, just leave it. Don’t do good to your fellow human beings, your parents lose confidence in you and so on.
LG and beautiful day
At 13 it’s stupid to start smoking. Listening and starting again after 4 months is stupid.
Smoking is not healthy now should be known.
How many cigarettes did you smoke before the 4 months ago?
I’d stop. Once you’ve done it, you can do it again. You’re only 13 and still in development. Cigarettes are generally not good for adults
5/day approx.
Is still too much and goes into money
Don’t be stupid. You’re 13 and now try a lot. Maybe you don’t find a favor in smoking and stop.
I’m a smoker myself. I also started to smoke with 16, let it be back with 18 and started with 20 again.
Yes, it was definitely.
Smoking is always stupid. But you’re still young you’re not dependent on someone who has been smoking for 15 years, you can stop with something willing power
you need to decide
You’d better listen to yourself if you’re bad luck quickly.
Of course, smoking is a sign of extreme stupidity.
Sad that people with 13 already smoke. Some of my school cried…
Yeah, it’s stupid, let it be, it’s not cool to smoke.
They don’t smoke at the age. Most of the time there is a history of suffering.
I am a person myself, with diagnosed depression. Ritzen, Suicide Thoughts etc. Does everything belong to my past and I didn’t even think about smoking.
Jup, I’m right.
Despite that, give other means, but if smoking keeps you alive and soothes the pain, do as long as it is necessary.
Yeah, you’re one of many people who don’t smoke. Nevertheless, there is enough smoking because of exactly such things. I was the first stationary in a psychiatry with 10, and there have smoked equally altrige, which were not a few. I came into contact the first time, too, but my father was also a smoker. I don’t smoke anymore, or it never really was.
Most of the parents are smokers, the child has bad influences (such as psychiatry). They smoke for the first time and discover that the effect of it calms its pain, calms its depressive thoughts. This is how it starts and usually goes to the dead.
Of course, it is sad, but you should not judge it and such children certainly do not smoke because it is “cool”, but as mentioned above. People smoke, because it’s cool, is no longer up to date – and the youth smokes less than the last decades.
You smoked a cigarette a lot, and now you start again, you’re not addicted.
Well, it’s been around now. 1 month again
if the spas do why not? And how?
And you know how? Are you personally familiar with the FS?
that is cool and had to start getting older students buying for me and getting 1 or 2
Have autimat that is broken and therefore does not ask for ID
only so had so difficult to get together with 13
is very good and how the
That’s stupid as anything else.
Geile expertise ahhahahaha
please stop
Of course smoking is stupid
Yeah, that was stupid.
That wasn’t stupid, that’s stupid.