Duales Studium, Ja oder Nein? Bei Luftfahrtunternehmen?
ich werde nächstes Jahr (Ende 2025) mein Studium zum Wirtschaftsingenieur beginnen. Da kommt ja immer die Frage, dual oder normal. Was würdet ihr davon wählen?
Wenn ich dual studieren würde, geht es ja auch um Unternehmen für das Studium. Nun ist der Fall so, dass ich danach (nach dem Master) selber Pilot werden möchte. Würdet ihr da sagen, dass ich dual schon mal bei einem Luftfahrtunternehmen arbeiten soll? Also z.B. das duale Studium bei Airbus absolvieren soll? Oder wie seht ihr das?
Ich selber interessiere mich fast genau so sehr für den Wirtschaftsingenieur, wie für den Beruf des Piloten. Generell liebe ich auch Flugzeuge
With your current wishes this seems to be very good. For the profession of the pilot, you also need the medical requirements. In the course of an application at ESA, I submitted a medical 2 before the last year, but I did not pass it because of a color misunderstanding. do you already have a pilot certificate, for example for sports or sailing aircraft? It may give your application more emphasis if you have taken a few paragliding hours at least once.
However, in advance (e.g. in the interview), you can find out if a career as you imagine is possible. My training firm had no interest at that time in making the Master (and for me it was still a book with seven seals in view of my non-academic family background).
For certain tasks in a company, a dual study is certainly a very good way. As an industrial engineer, you could be in logistics or work planning with the option of switching to project management if you are given enough responsibility at some point. If you want to get into technology correctly, the industrial engineer is not as powerful as other engineering disciplines.
Thank you for the great answer!
Yes, medical is not so without and of course the DLR Test 😅. That’s where I’m sweating. I think I’ll be medical. Even if I was operated on my shoulder. But I have no impairment.
No, I haven’t. But Airbus also has the offer to do this as a dual student. I’d like to follow him.
I’d make the Master professional. This is what many companies find very well and so have some business engineers done.
I would then like to go to the controlling or to the production of an aircraft family. I guess both are going as WIng.
Jo, I know that. I also like the engineer’s side, but it’s just something economic, but not just. Dave fits my studies. I would also like to be in a management position.