DSG seltsames Schaltverhalten und stinkt?

Hallo, habe einen A3 2006 2.0TDI DSG. Normalerweise schaltet bei 2000u/min und 45kmh auf der geraden in den 4. gang. Manchmal schaltet er erst später ca 55kmh und 2500u/min. Und dann kann es auch noch sein dass er zwischen 3. und 4. random hin und her schaltet. Beim abstellen ist kupplungs geruch festzustellen. Das hat mein auto aber nicht immer. Weis jmd auf was ich mich einstellen muss oder kann ich die karre verschrotten lassen?

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3 years ago

On the one hand, you can be glad that the DSG was 15 years old and still works… on the other hand, a gear should not be broken.

Next time maybe take a converter machine or DSG from manufacturers to place more value on durability.

3 years ago

You can do nix, but occasionally it happens that the pretension of the clutch is set, but this is actually done with regular maintenance.

But if it stinks, hold the clutch by

3 years ago
Reply to  NuK3Re4P3R

What else, with the DSG, it is vital to survive that the oil change is strictly adhered to. It is best not only to change but also to rinse. Otherwise, more than half of the oil remains in the gear. Better prefer the interval even by a few thousand km and not the recommended, I believe 1.7 liters of oil pure but good 2 liters. Then things are really durable

3 years ago
Reply to  NuK3Re4P3R

That’s it. The clutches from the DSG can be adjusted one piece far. For this you need the appropriate equipment

3 years ago

I’d go to VW to avoid any consequential damage

3 years ago

You can’t do it. Apart from pigeons, of course. The clutches or the gear are certainly on.