Ds lite?

Kann mir jemand mit seinen eigenen Worten erklären, wie ds lite funktioniert soweit ich weiß, teilen sich einige Dutzend Kunden eine öffentliche IP V4 Adresse. Wenn beispielsweise mehrere Kunden über ihren Browser den gleichen Web Server aufrufen, dieser besitzt eine öffentliche ip4 Adresse, VC dann hat es doch zur Folge, dass der Server von all diesen Kunden eine Anfrage bekommen, die alle die gleiche öffentliche IP V4 Adresse haben.

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1 month ago

“Can someone explain to me in his own words how ds lite works”

Quasi like CGNAT, only in the implementation of technically somewhat more complicated.

“this has a public ip4 address, VC then has the result that the server gets a request from all these customers that all have the same public IP V4 address.”

Yes, this does not represent a problem, however, since the enquiries all come from different ports of this IPv4 address and the server that is called will treat them all segregated, just as if they were from different IP addresses.

1 month ago
Reply to  frank824

The package goes out at the terminal with its private IP address and its source port. The router then tunnels this via an IPv6 connection to the provider’s DS-Lite-CGNAT server. This then exchanges source IP and source port in the package and notices this assignment, then the package goes out to the target server. A response to the respective source port can be assigned to the DS-Lite-CGNAT server accordingly, exchanges destination IP and destination port accordingly, and then sends the packet back to your router in a tunneled manner via IPv6, and then forwards it to your terminal.

1 month ago
Reply to  frank824

The provider’s DS-Lite-CGNAT server has a (or several, but it doesn’t matter here) public IPv4 address that it uses (each) for a variety of connections from a variety of vob customers.

“Where do the devices, the customers who are connected to the internet via wan, want to know which quellport was used on another device?”

If they don’t know, they don’t have to know.

“Or does it only happen at the provider”

From source/target IP/port, the provider’s DS-Lite-CGNAT server is used. For the terminals, all this works like a normal Internet connection.

1 month ago

At DS-Lite, the WAN interface of the Fritzbox is not bound to any IPv4 address; this is configured as a DS-Lite and all outgoing IPv4 packets (from the router), as they are, are sent to the provider’s DS-Lite-CGNAT server (via IPv6); this then makes the quasi-NAT on IPv4 level.

1 month ago

Your V4 inquiries will be sent via the V6 network. At the other end, back into the V4 network if necessary.

For this period you will receive a V4 IP from the pool of your provider.

These pools are often exhausted at certain times of the day. Then the side structure lasts forever.

1 month ago
Reply to  tomgun

That’s nonsense. The pool is guaranteed never exhausted. See the principle of CGNAT.

If here is somewhat slow, it is more likely due to the temporary overloading of the transmission medium or the puncture thereof.

1 month ago

Do not forget the case when the server is accessible via IPv6 – then it becomes quite easy. The client just talks to the server.