Druckreiniger mit IBC Tank bauen?
ich habe einen 1000 Liter Tank mit sauberem Klarwasser und möchte diesen nutzen um damit reinigen zu können, an Orten wo kein Wasseranschluss vorhanden ist. Quasi ein mobiler 1000l Druckreiniger. Der Druck muss nicht so stark sein wie ein Hochdruckreiniger, es reicht ein Druck wie am Gartenschlauch.
Ich habe überlegt ob eine Tauchpumpe in diesem Tank möglicherweise genug Druck bietet um eine Sprühlanze damit zu versorgen, doch sind diese dafür ausgelegt und reicht der Druck dazu aus ?
Gibt es Alternativen hierzu wie man sowas realisieren könnte ?
Vielen Dank im Vorraus 🙂
I used a well pump for our 2000l tons which easily creates with full power my 30m stretchable stainless steel hose. In the case of solid rubber hoses, the pressure would be even greater.
Thanks for the tip. And there’s a lot of pressure coming out of a garden hose?
More I don’t have the hose on it the loose 4 M
“Printing as on the garden hose” is a very inaccurate measure – this fluctuates with tap, type of hose and length, number of fittings on it, garden topography and…
With a diving pump you have the problem that you will hardly get in the IBC…
What do you want to clean? Where?
You got electricity there?
All in all would be a so-called. Hauswasserwerk ne idea – possibly can borrow something like this for a test, but is also new not so expensive….
This is not possible with a diving pump, because you can’t build any pressure with it, as well as how you want to get it to the tank! Better would be a well pump, which has a smaller diameter, but I would use a garden pump or even better a housewater plant at the outlet, which switches off at pressure, that is when the removal is switched off! Both are likely to bring a pressure of > 4BAR more expensive!