Druckerpatrone funktioniert nicht bei HP-Drucker?

Habe mir über Ebay eine Inkwood 305XL Patronen Remanufactured für HP 305 gekauft und leider macht jetzt mein Drucker Probleme.

Weiß Jemand wie man den Drucker austricksen kann, oder die Patrone behandeln muss, damit der Drucker sie als “original” ansieht?

Denn der Support von HP meint, dass ihn ihren Geräten nur originale Druckerpatronen funktionieren und man mit günstigen No-Name-Produkten keine Chance hat.

Muss ich jetzt auf dieser vollen XL-Patrone sitzen bleiben, was ja auch überhaupt nicht umweltfreundlich wäre?

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1 month ago

HP is the wrong contact person who naturally want to sell their expensive originals.
Often the manufacturer of the cartridge continues to help, because they promise that the cartridge works. Once I had a toner cartridge that was exchanged without any status.

1 month ago

Does someone know how to trick the printer or treat the cartridge so that the printer looks at it as “original”?

The printer won’t do that with foreign inks! The foreign manufacturers must not deposit the HP identifiers in the chips in the cartridges.

With correctly prepared and filled cartridges, the printer works without problems. It only shows that it is a foreign ink.

Because HP’s support means that it only works with original printer cartridges

Normal if the manufacturer wants to sell its own products.
Only HP must not prescribe which consumables you use.
This was prohibited by the ECJ a few years ago.

About Ebay

I would be looking for a reasonable manufacturer who runs an own shop (whether online or offline doesn’t matter) and does not buy it via Ebay.
Used in previous HP inkjet printers frequent printation and never problems. Currently I only use laser printers, but an ink plotter. And there is also foreign ink in use.(Here, however, the own brand of my HP contract partner.)

1 month ago

Hello, Baumpython!

In the network there is an article that these cartridges do not work due to a firmware update in HP printers. All more here:

https://www.toner-dumping.de/blog/heimliches-hp-firmware-update-blocked-hp-305- and-305xl-printer cartridges/

Maybe you can exchange…



1 month ago
Reply to  gufrastella

Interesting….sometimes good if you’re the idiot who’s always buying originals. ^^

1 month ago
Reply to  Kenshin663

The company TONERDUMPING promises to take care of compatible cartridges in the link.

1 month ago

God, I still know that pork with the syringes. Although never done, but the pictures of the people who made this (more or less) successful, I still have in mind.

But yes, the arrangement was not easy to get through. Was/is still a lot of wood, but saves me a lot of money (150€ for a 7500 page cartridge is not a little).

1 month ago

Then you’re good with the arrangement! I used to fill my cartridges myself with syringes and gloves. I think that the cartridge cases in production need too much resources.

1 month ago

Could refer to work the same as those used in the departments. I get the toner over the company. Approx. 30% cheaper, toner per cartridge 20-25% cheaper. It’s also a huge viech.

But since I’m almost 800km away from the office, I’m also printing a lot of stuff I need for the company, so no problem has been for the company.

1 month ago

I use one with tank and I am satisfied with the costs so far.

1 month ago

The manufacturers are now also trying to control these funny tank printers. But sometimes the boxes are not the golden one. Then I’d rather have a good laser. 😀

1 month ago

Of course, they see that their prices do not make anyone happy and, of course, try to prevent refilling at cheaper prices.

1 month ago

I read it. Apparently, there are some other models. But since the manufacturers X years ago have introduced the whole story with the chips is eh Tohuwabohu.

1 month ago

Printers from HP so d meanwhile a case for special waste