Druck/Schmerzen beim senken des Kopfes nach dem tauchen?
Ich würde mich freuen über sachliche und hilfreiche Antworten, vielen Dank schon mal:)
Ich habe heute etwas getaucht in 2-4 m Tiefe ungefähr und danach war mein linkes Ohr etwas zu, das ist aber nicht das Problem.
Ich habe seitdem einen leichten Druck im Bereich meiner Stirn bzw. Vorderkopf und besonders beim neigen und senken des Kopfes, baut sich der Druck/,,schmerz” auf und wird stärker.
Jetzt würde ich gerne wissen um was es sich handeln könnte, falls ihr weitere Informationen benötigt könnt ihr mir gerne schreiben.
Vielen Dank
Sounds like sinuses/stone caves that are clogged with mucus and from which the pressure cannot escape. (Yes, there’s a few meters for that.) Were you cold? Go to the doctor. There are swelling drugs.
Thank you for the answer, I was colded 2-3 weeks ago, don’t you think it could come from it? the pressure is mainly on the left side in the eye/forehead area
However, these symptoms last weeks after the cold, sometimes over a month, even if you feel healthy long ago. It definitely comes from the cold. Eye/stone area is classic sinuses. Doctor’s appointment.
Yes Holiday, I take care of it, thank you for the help:)
Holiday? Are you insured? I’d let that go. In case of an emergency in a pharmacy, you’re gonna sign your situation.
I am currently abroad, however, what about pharmacies?
Probably you didn’t make a proper pressure balance and your mucous membranes compressed a little (light barotrauma). If the pain does not diminish, dizziness or even blood flow, directly to the doctor. Generally, however, the pain should slowly decay and finally disappear. But you should definitely stop diving for a while to give the mucous membranes time to heal.
It could be that you suffer from a barotraumatic sinusitis caused by pressure changes during diving. If you are immersed in 2-4 meters depth, the pressure under water can affect your nasal sinuses. The nasal sinuses are air-filled cavities in the bones around your nose, and when the pressure changes quickly, for example when it comes to the emergence, inflammation of these areas can occur.
The clogged or closed ears could be an indication of these pressure changes, and the pressure or pain you feel in the area of your forehead and your forehead, if you tilt or lower your head, could also indicate a reaction of your nasal sinuses to these pressure changes.
It is important that you take this seriously and visit a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis. The doctor can determine whether it is a sinusitis and which treatment options are best suited for you. As a rule, swelling nasal sprays, anti-inflammatory or in heavier cases even antibiotics could be prescribed to alleviate inflammation.
Please note that I am not a medical specialist. Therefore, it is best to get a professional medical opinion to make sure you get the right treatment.
I thank you for your answer, I will probably have to take care of it just abroad:(
Jo, is from ChatGpt. I have no idea
If you have more questions, just text the AI. It’s often even better than doctors.
It’s all right, but thank you