Pressure on the chest?

Good morning,

For some time now, whenever I stand up from a sitting or squatting position, or when drinking water, I've been feeling pressure in my chest, followed by a racing heart. I also felt my chest and noticed that my heart is actually noticeable when I touch it.

I was told to move more, but I have a job as a salesman and I move around all day.

Does anyone have any advice or know this situation?

Thank you very much for the helpful answers


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1 year ago

Whether it’s more psychic or seriously physical, you can’t say so naturally.If you’re worried, let the doctor check you through.

Certainly, as a seller, you are constantly on your legs and in the evening k.o.But this is the kind of movement that has a stress and does not do well to the body.

In fact, the right sport (bicycle driving, swimming, etc) is what is meant.Maybe you can incorporate this into your everyday life.You will notice the difference.

1 year ago

By moving is not meant to walk. You may be very unfit. The one heart quickly beats after standing up is normal since the blood circulation adapts to the new situation. Pressure on the chest can have many causes need not come from the heart.

Go to the doctor and let you check. If nothing is at heart, work on your fitness or fear.