Drosselring Schädlich?

Hab mein Roller (Piaggio nrg power c45) auf 25 km/h gedrosselt, gaszug und drosselring er dreht Max bis ca. 9000 aller höchstens 9500 Ich fahre mit ca 8000 Umdrehung oder 8500, und ich gehe auch immer wieder mal vom Gas und versuche möglichst den Motor zu schonen. Wollte nun fragen ob jetzt irgendwie der Motor kaputt gehen kann oder so… laut Tacho könnte er offen bis 13.000 drehen aber laut Hersteller sollen die Kurbelwellen glaube nur ca. 12.000 halten (glaub ich) aber ab 11 auf Dauer sollte es kritisch werden.

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1 year ago

Don’t worry so much about your scooter.

The installation of the throttle ring only restricts the operating range of the riser disc in the Variomatic and can therefore have no negative influence on the motor alone.

The gas slide stop prevents you from being able to give gas beyond the stop – so you drive at a motor-saving speed.

However, what you should note is cold start wear.

On each vehicle, with an internal combustion engine, this cold start wear occurs in the warm-up phase – i.e. in the time window between cold engine and warm-up engine.

This hot running phase must be kept as short as possible.

It is therefore insane to let a cold engine warm up at the stand, which is also prohibited.

However, it is also harmful if you drive an even cold engine at high speeds immediately.

Therefore, please take five minutes more and the first kilometers at a moderate speed.

Then the engine becomes faster than warm in the stand, is not “throught” by high speeds, reaches the operating temperature as quickly as possible, therefore has only little cold start wear and thus a long life.


1 year ago
Reply to  Hahah6

Please check the choke on function.

Your scooter has an electro-choke that enriches the mixture with a cold engine so that the engine starts better and runs round.

Either the choke doesn’t work, then the engine starts badly, doesn’t run round….or the choke goes back too late.

Then the mixture is too fat and the effects are similar to cold engine.

An e-choke does not last forever, so it can be good that it is defective.

A new one costs 10 to 15€.


1 year ago



1 year ago


A throttle ring is not harmful no that you drive to 8000-8500 turns is even positive for your scooter. This is definitely gentle for your scooter and you shouldn’t worry.