Drosselklappensensor wre/sm 125?

Erneut eine frage zu meinem Lieblingsbauteil dem T.P.S unzwar habe ich seit immer schon den ecu2 Fehler aufm Tacho was aber kein Problem ist da ich gemischt fahre.

Nun zu der eigentlichen Frage: Nachdem ich neulich über so 15 km Knallgas Gegeben habe verschwand der Fehler von meinem Tacho nach ein paar Minuten stand dann satt ecu2 ecu5 für kurze zeit drauf und dann wieder nichts als ich die Maschiene neu gestartet habe war alles wie vorher. Könnte es also sein das statt wie vermutet nicht der Sensor Kaputt ist sondern mein kabelbaum iwo nen Wackelkontakt hat oder iwas mit meinem Steuergerät o.ä ist?

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3 years ago

I’ll do it once.

Ecu2 is as far as I know with your wre a throttle-flap error or the position of it is wrong.

Ecu5 is as far as I know the throttle valve sensor, which then does not run properly.

In order to just say, you can go on with it your engine can go uneasy at some point, as it becomes uneasy and at the end goes capping or suffers a motor damage.

Tip: do you know one of them? then let him do it and give him a little something for it, as you can expect to pay very high costs in a workshop.

3 years ago
Reply to  razeristkacke

It also comes to the necessary ratio but in this error it should not be possible to vote.

Yes, there’s something going on, because the throttle flap will also do something with the air supply. i.e. if there is too little air there it can be that you then have a piston eater.

If it were possible to repair it, it would first check whether it might only have dirt in it and therefore it does not close or so. If not, replace. Important is only if you don’t have tools then let it go, because then it’ll be expensive.