Dropshipping BG/IHK?


ich bin Schüler und möchte gerne bald mit dem Dropshipping starten. Dies würde ich als Einzelunternehmer ausführen. Zu Anfang werde ich dafür die Kleinunternehmerregelung nutzen. Nun stellt sich mir die Frage, ob ich als Einzelunternehmer bei der BG und/oder der IHK gemeldet sein muss.

Vielen Dank

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7 months ago

Of course you need a business. Are you full-year?

In principle, dropshipping has been less good for earning money. You should definitely have the following problems on the screen:

  • Your margin is usually very low and the effort is significantly higher than most aware.
  • You also have to take money/capital in hand to raise everything, create a shop or read into the functioning of a sales portal, etc.
  • The most expensive point will be to find or advertise customers, so Google Ads etc. Who does not advertise has no visibility and no customers.
  • Furthermore, such dropshipping products are very likely to result in a price struggle that you cannot win as a small seller.
  • You also need to calculate your products and are responsible for returns. This can be very expensive.
  • By the way, you also pay taxes, need a business, or a small business, and have to deal with the legal basis.
  • You should also have the subject of accounting on the screen.

These were just the most important points.

7 months ago

Of course with both and you can make keíne mistakes!

Don’t be stupid and don’t ruin your future in young years.

You won’t earn money by balance if you don’t have a grandiose idea that nobody has come to yet and you can’t steal

7 months ago

BG and IHK receive an information about your trade ad from the trade office.

7 months ago

you have to mind. turn 18 and ask again for