Drohnen-Mitnahme im Flugzeug?

Würde gerne meine Drohne mit in den Urlaub nehmen,

habe schon ein wenig drüber gelesen, die Drohne hat LiPo-Akkus und diese darf ich nur im Handgepäck mitführen (max. 2 p. P.). Jetzt habe ich noch gelesen, dass man sicherheitshalber noch Dokumente mitnehmen soll, wo Infos über die Akkus draufstehen etc.

Hat jemand schon mal damit Erfahrungen gemacht? 🙂

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2 years ago


Has anyone ever experienced this?

I’m not flying in other countries until I can’t get you language. It’s just too risky.


The best way to ask the airline how the exact regulations are. Then you also have at least one “safe answer” that will help you better in case of cases than an answer from a lay forum.


2 years ago

No. Ask at the airline how the exact regulation is. The information about the batteries should be on the battery, this is the important for the inch. I don’t think I’m interested in documents.

2 years ago
Reply to  Uneternal

that is important for customs

Why customs?

In the case of regulations on battery take-up in the hand luggage, it is about fire protection/explosion protection.

This is then a topic in the security check (in access to the secured area, to the gates).