Drohne im Aufzug Experiment?

Wieso bleibt eine Drohne in einem Aufzug der nach oben fährt auf gleicher Höhe, wenn der Aufzug nicht beschleunigt? Wieso das zB. so ist wenn man einen Ball in einem fahrendem Auto wirft weiss ich, der Ball wird ja auch von sich selbst (einem bewegendem Objekt) abgeworfen.

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1 year ago

To this end, the elevator should be airtight or hermetically sealed…

I suspect that most modern drones have installed both a barometer and a gyroscope to balance the movement.

Otherwise, the drone is hardly influenced by the movement, but rather by the pressure change.

1 year ago

Your information is not sufficient.

When the drone is in the air and the elevator starts up afterwards, it will be “eingeholt” by the elevator and will land on the ground.

However, if the drone starts only after the elevator starts, then it has a speed component up which it maintains and thus “joins” with the elevator.

So it is similar to the ball in the car (train would be better).

1 year ago

… it is mainly about the acting forces.


The drone floats quietly relative to the floor of the elevator.

There is a balance of forces between weight and buoyancy.

The forces do not change when the elevator drives uniformly (without acceleration).

1 year ago
Reply to  Roderic

If the drone is started in the elevator, yes.

If it would fly parallel to the ground into a constantly moving uphill run, then it touches its ground unless it rises.

1 year ago

Interesting question.

How do drones know they float above the ground at a certain height? I don’t really know myself with drones, but it would be conceivable, for example, by radar – or more realistic, perhaps by ultrasound, by acceleration sensors, or GPS.

If the distance to the ground is determined by radar or ultrasound, the drone will move along with the elevator. In the case of acceleration sensors or GPS rather not.

But in this case it is necessary to remember that near the ground the lift is higher and the drone might take a few cm above the elevator floor with the elevator (provided, the elevator is really laaangsam).

1 year ago

Don’t stay at the same height.


1 year ago
Reply to  EinNutzer0

The elevator touches the drone because it doesn’t react fast enough.

1 year ago
Reply to  EinNutzer0

Once the drone has adapted to the floor again, it has the distance to the elevator floor.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mooncrash

if the elevator not accelerated

… was the condition from the question.

1 year ago

The drone goes off the ground.

Yes and no. Primarily, the lift has nothing to do with the ground.

Although there is a bottom effect, it is usually more disturbing in drones.

1 year ago

Both: Brake it goes up,
Accelerated lift: Get her down.

1 year ago

So the drone goes down to the ground when the lift goes up long?

I guess it’s gonna happen when he’s braking again.

1 year ago

Just a short time since she eventually returned enough counterforce for the current height. The drone goes off the ground. But it falls or rises short or touches when it goes too fast 😀

1 year ago

there is no Why. Pulse maintenance. Where should the drone distinguish the moving elevator from a standing one at constant speed?

1 year ago

How does a fly fly in the driving car fly? Missed physics lesson?