Drogentest beim Hausarzt?
Ich habe am Samstag Ecstasy konsumiert.
meine Mutter möchte jetzt einen Drogentests beim Hausarzt mit mir machen morgen. Bis morgen sind schon 5 Tage vergangen. Meine Frage wäre wenn man ein Blut oder Urin Test machen würde würde man es ja nicht mehr sehen. Aber wenn man ein haartest machen würde sieht man es ja. Meine Frage machen Hausärzte Haartest häufig oder überhaupt und würde das was kosten? Muss ich Angst haben?
Hey saramagdich123,
it is understandable that you are concerned about the possible results of a drug test after your ecstasy consumption. It is important to understand the different types of drug tests to better estimate what awaits you.
Depending on the amount and body chemistry in urine samples, ecstasy can be detected about 2 to 4 days and in blood samples for about 24 hours after consumption. As you have already written, it is possible that your consumption from the weekend is no longer detectable in urine or blood.
However, hair tests can trace drug use over a much longer period, often up to 90 days. However, as they are more complex and more expensive than blood or urine analyses, it is rather unlikely that your physician routinely performs hair tests. As such tests require specialized equipment and analytical methods, they are usually rather outsourced to external laboratories.
If you are worried about your consumption or want to share your consumption experiences in a secure setting, you can use the free and anonymous platformDigiSearchuse to easily contact a consultancy office in your area.
Best regards,
sandro by mudrastreetwork / DigiStreet
As a rule, the doctor does not do drug tests on request. Doctors can’t take the position of deputies if parents fail.
The linked ecstasy is already metabolized.
Not only that doctors do not make hair tests – but at most highly specialized laboratories – such a hair test beats at about 300 € costs to beech.
Ask your mother what stuff she was experimenting with when she was as old as you are.
Home doctors usually do not carry out hair tests. They usually use urine or blood tests to detect drug use.
Let these drugs please find your way and let these chemical drugs!
These are bad killers. The first months may be nice, but not later.
It’s quite simple: whoever builds shit can stand for it. You felt super cool and totally adult while you took that crap. That’s why I don’t understand your fear now.