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Ich arbeite bei Firma x seit 6 Monaten. Ich kriege jetzt ein Jahresvertrag und muss zum Betriebsarzt, der auch ein Drogentest macht da es bei allen gemacht wurde. Ich rauche täglich 1 Joint . Der Termin ist in 14 Tagen. Denkt ihr wenn ich jetzt 14 Tage nicht Mehr rauche, das mein thc Gehalt so niedrig ist das ich geeignet bin oder verliere ich jetzt mein Job ??
14 days of abstinence will not be enough to get clean if you have smoked a joint for weeks or months a day. The maximum detection time in urine for hardcore users is 12 weeks. You are therefore in the middle to upper range of the detection period with your consumption.
The only way to participate in the test – if tested for drugs and you are Your consent through signature performance is the use of clean foreign urine.
I don’t expect someone from the medical staff to look at you during the urination, so a small container with a clean urine of a friend should not be noticed.
But isn’t the urine compared to the blood?
No. Only a so-called “blood image” (Google) is produced with the blood.
It is not obvious in a urine drug test that the urine originates from another person.
According to the Internet, it should be detectable up to 4 weeks.
Edit: is probably different lengths depending on where they check.
But try it.
It takes blood and urine. And you have to sign that you have not taken anything
According to the Internet it is detectable up to 3 months