Drogenkrieg an der Ostsee?
Quelle: https://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Zwei-Maenner-im-Badeort-Zingst-angeschossen-article25147547.html
Nach Massenschlägereien fallen nun Schüsse an der Ostsee.
Verfeindete Clans streiten um Verteilungs- und Absatzgebiete.
Cannabis Freigabe fataler Fehler ?
Wird die Cannabis Freigabe nochmal gekippt angesichts der steigenden schweren Clan Kriminalität ?
Schwappt jetzt die bewaffnete Auseinandersetzung zwischen Clans an die Ostsee ?
For the first time, I wouldn’t believe everything the picture writes
In addition, it is only decriminalized in Holland and not completely legalized for this reason the black market has still control only the consumers buy legally the headshops take their grass from the black market
The CSC in Germany can’t sell their grass as it still stands for bureaucracy and the plants have to grow first
If you screw back the legalization, the black market gains power
If one continues to expand legalization as in Canada, the black market is losing power at least in terms of cannabis