Drogenkonsumenten: Findet ihr es nervig, wenn…?
Egal, ob du nur Alkohol trinkst, regelmäßiger Drogenkonsument bist, gelegentlicher Konsument oder was auch immer.
Angenommen du und dein Kumpel treffen sich und ihr nehmt die Nacht irgendwelche Drogen oder trinkt- also habt einfach eine witzige Nacht.
Würde es euch nerven, wenn euer Kumpel euch öfters fragt ob alles gut ist und man soll mehr Wasser trinken etc. – also Sorge/übersorglichkeit halt. Vielleicht nicht alle 10 Minuten aber so ca. jede Stunde ein- bis zweimal..
Oder ist das sogar unterschiedlich je nach Droge?
Habt ihr vlt. sogar so einen Freund der so ist?
Würde mich super freuen, wenn ihr mir eure Gedanken oder sogar Erfahrungen dazu berichtet. Am besten auch um welche Droge es sich bei eurer Meinung handelt. Danke schon mal im voraus!😊
Liebe Grüße ⚘
So I personally find this really very nice, but can also see why people could find that annoying. It is absolutely dependent on your relationship with the other person. If she knows you well and appreciates you, it’s always good to take care of. Just look at how people are doing and whether they need anything never hurt. In the case of alcoholized people, it may depend on the level and the person how to react.
Example: At the end of the evening, I hang out well drunk on a chair, someone comes by, brings me a water and asks if everything is good with me. In such a situation, I would be delighted and would not have a problem with it.
If I just started drinking, and I seem to be still good, it could be a bit more annoying. (Apparently not)
Finally, in your place, I would simply choose to feel when a person looks like it would not go well, just ask. Taking care of others is always quite cool. If this is really negative, I might want to know other people.
Drugs in which carers mean well absorbed mM: cannabis, psychedelic, MDMA
LG and take care of you. It’s always nice to have people like you.
Find that rather very responsive and good it can always happen and mock each other I find good and important that shows that you are important
Well, it always depends on the experience and drug. For example, if you take LSD, it’s very good for the first time you have someone who knows or is watching. But if it annoys you, tell the person that it’s nice, but she wasn’t chosen for the tripsitter.