Drogenkonsum mit einem 18-jährigen, der jünger als 18 ausschaut?
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Hey, ich und zwei Freund haben letztens zum ersten Mal THC Brownies gebacken, die ca 25 mg THC hatten. Wir hatten alle keine Erfahrung. Nachdem die anderen ca 4 mg und ich ca 7 mg, gingen wir in die Stadt. Ich merkte schon nach 30 Minuten was, die anderen erst nach ca 1 Stunde. Später…
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Hallo undzwar hatten Freunde von mir bei einer Party “Gras-Pillen” dabei und meinten nach 1h dass sie mega high waren. Ich dachte aber dass man Gras nur essen kann wenn es vorher erhitzt wurde? Also geht das mit “Pillen”?
Drug use is crap.
And attracting young (but slightly influential) adults into this is completely irresponsible and the last.
Why do we always find this question? Here is a matching song.
Besides, you seem a fetish with “18 years old look younger“to have…
See here:
the ding is that I don’t take anyone in drug, but it’s so that he’s still 17 and on his 18 birthday, I’m going to take ecstasy with him, and he doesn’t look like 17/18, but I’m getting younger, like 13/14 and I’m up. on his 18 birthday he is just an adult and the consumption is free of punishment. I’m not pulling him in drug, but he started drugging early.
So you do it you are.
Every responsible adult would make the opposite, namely to stop him from eating such a dirt
It is your moral responsibility when you strengthen it by doing it with him.
And you can’t do it either.
and it is not my responsibility when he consumes drug
I do not think to consume adult from drug
Is Latte what he looks like? As long as you do not want a club (and even there he can prove the age with his ID).
Does the planned drug use go from him or do you want to show him more about drugs? As long as he wants this from himself (and you have informed yourselves well before), I do not see a problem. But if that’s more of yours, I’d think about it again. Can’t have nasty consequences if he likes the drugs too much.
He’s already consumed ecstasy
Dumb and self-respectless. Like any drug use. Look doesn’t matter.
fatal and bad.
Drugs have never been a solution, just a hull for huge problems.
Appearance no matter
Idiotic, with age no matter.
Drug use is shit.
I generally reject drug use.
like beer??
Oh, good with coffee, I’d be out. 🗿
When I get out of my addiction to drug use, people often start with alcohol or coffee. I already know that.
He thought he had you 🚶
Clearly, pull everything in until the helmet burns through and you land in the closed
You want sex with him?