Drogenhandel minderjährige?
Es geht bei der Frage nicht um mich!
Was für eine Strafe bekommt man wenn ein Erwachsener (20) Drogen sowas wie Hasch/Grass an minderjährige gibt?
Es geht bei der Frage nicht um mich!
Was für eine Strafe bekommt man wenn ein Erwachsener (20) Drogen sowas wie Hasch/Grass an minderjährige gibt?
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Ich habe mir Haschisch gekauft welches mit Blattgold überzogen ist. Kann ich das bedenkenlos mitrauchen?
This varies from case to case.
At the age of 20, someone can still be sentenced to juvenile criminal law when certain factors say that he is mature and does not lead to independent life.
Otherwise, it is important whether he is already punished if he himself consumes drugs and may be addicted.
Then, of course, a possible profit intention. Does he leave the grass or sell it?
Of course, the amount and frequency of the detected cases.
In any case, a transfer of BTM is just as criminal as trade.
However, the penalty depends heavily on the individual case.
He gives it 13-14 years old children
Why is he doing this? And how often?
Right! When selling, the penalty is higher than when giving away because crimes cannot be praised.
It depends on whether the adult does the “time” or regularly and whether he does it to enrich himself or to have other advantages.
You don’t get stuck automatically when you give children drugs.
Penalties for drug trafficking
The most important case is the punishment for drug trafficking inNot less quantity. If the not small amount is reached, the penalty framePrison not under one yearup to fifteen years.
The most relevant cases are:
The minor also gets a penalty, but milder than this falls under the Youth Criminal Act.
In case of minor cases, however, the judge may also remain under the minimum penalty.
And with BTM releases there are also backdoors like “therapy instead of punishment”.