Drogenfund in Wohnung mit 3 Kindern?

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Im März diesen Jahres hatten wir Besuch von der Polizei, die 28,9 Gramm Marihuana bei uns gefunden hat. Mein Mann und ich konsumieren beide, jedoch immer so, dass einer von uns nüchtern ist. Die Polizei hat diesen Vorfall natürlich an das Jugendamt gemeldet. Diese kamen im April das erste Mal zu uns und sagten, dass jetzt nichts passieren würde, erst, wenn es nochmal eine Meldung geben sollte. Im August waren sie dann das zweite mal bei uns und fragten nach einem Drogentest. Wir haben Ihnen gesagt, dass mein Mann zur Drogenberatung geht und das wohl alles früher oder später darüber laufen wird, damit war der Besuch dann auch wieder vorbei. Gerade eben stand das Jugendamt dann zum dritten Mal vor der Tür, kam aber von sich aus nicht in die Wohnung, weil die komplette Familie krank ist.

Die Frage ist nun, was droht uns? Nehmen Sie uns die Kinder weg, nur weil wir uns abends mal einen rauchen wenn die Kinder im Bett liegen? Wie gesagt, es ist immer einer von uns nüchtern.

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1 year ago

The limit for “small quantity” is not determined in the grass, but how much THC is actually contained. Modern breeding produkets come to the range of 10%. From 0.045 g of pure THC it will certainly come to charge, you might have been more than 30 times over it.

And the drug addiction/drug use of parents is always an alarm for potential child welfare. I am not sure that all consumers/scientists are responsible for education, but the ability to react becomes a problem. Therefore, the Youth Office will have an eye on you and you, if necessary. offer help for education. And if they see a danger to the children, the children go to a foreign shelter. And that is also true because the aids must intervene before damage occurs.

I realize that such a spooky-paternalistic protection system for the children is disturbing you. It may save their lives. The more cooperative you are, the better it is. The more resistance you build up, the more control will be the result, and the more critical will be assessed noticeable findings.

1 year ago

Seriously, I can’t. And I don’t think you smoke one until they’re kids in bed and they’re always clear. Especially since your husband doesn’t need drug advice if there is no excessive consumption.

What’s your role models? The first time the police were with you, I wouldn’t have taken more. But now make a pity. Poor kids. Then you can soon visit her at home and explain “Mama and Papa were the grass more important..sorry.”

Drugs and children have nothing to do with each other.

1 year ago
Reply to  MutterVon3722

If I’m a car, so that you can open your eyes, what you’re making a crap, I’d like to do that.

Marijuana is still a drug, there are more dangerous, yes, but it prevents you from fulfilling your task as parents properly. And that should always be the top priority if you have children.

And it must have been a good thing if a judgement is expected.

I can only hope for your children that they will be taken away from you, for as unintentional as you are, and as little as you are worthy of your children, that you will not even consider listening to the cried. You just don’t deserve her.

Someone else is better.

1 year ago

you’re drug addiction and don’t even notice in your search. so you’re telling a weak mind. Of course, the children get that something doesn’t work out with you and that it gets worse from month to month.

1 year ago

You asked the question to strangers…if you don’t get the answers, ask someone else to give you the answer you want to hear.

Oh, someone who would be cut.

1 year ago

And yes, it’s always the same. There I can give you a comb. My parents pulled one through this weekend. Whenever we were in bed. Well, probably.

So stop. You don’t know what you’re doing when you’re on it.

1 year ago

And you’re tricking, though you’ve been counted three times, crying around now. You should have just stopped if your children were dear to you and to prove to the youth office that you have. But no.

1 year ago

“It gives parents who are actually relaxed…” but yes, you speak of other totally fictional claws.

And yes, that we have nothing to do with my parents.

1 year ago

My parents weren’t constantly cried, but this time when they were was terrifying for me. And if you are not more relaxed than without, then as parents you definitely do something wrong.

And that’s because of limits. Yes, they all say that until they crash and finally say “upps, I didn’t even notice.

1 year ago

Unfortunately, I have some experience with cuddling parents and you can’t do it exactly. And that you still think clearly in your mind, proves how far from the truth you really are

1 year ago

As I said, it’s always one of us sober.

You may believe it or not.

I guess you’ll get an overall impression of your family – especially the children – and then make a decision.

1 year ago

If you don’t stop drug use, children will come home for short or long. you should let yourself in with your search problem for detoxification and withdrawal therapy in a rehabilitation clinic.

1 year ago
Reply to  MutterVon3722

Then stop!!!!

1 year ago

1.For your children. 2. But even against alcohol and cigarettes, many say something,Conscientious wise

1 year ago

but the young lady

1 year ago

Right, children are always sleeping through when the sibling’s child is roaring with pain. All right.

And so too, children will never wake up at night, have bad dreams or anything else. Jaaaa, that’s right.

1 year ago

Oh, wei, stop crying, that’s better thinking.

Child wakes up, has severe pain. One has a spicy, as agreed. The “sober” has to be with child and sick house, while cried parent stays to me the rest of the kids at home.

1 year ago

as if you still have control over it.

1 year ago

So the scenario was already there? One had to blame us sick house, and the other one remains, because he didn’t expect a child to go to the hospital, with the rest of the children at home.


1 year ago

Apart from that, even if you change with the noise that a child has to go to the hospital, the other is still unable to provide the two others

1 year ago

It is legalized because there is no more money for tracking than crime, not because it is harmless.

My parents were a box, and they also said it was only occasionally. And believe me, it wasn’t nice to see the parents like that when they were so different than usual. And kids get this.

1 year ago

The Youth Office is primarily concerned with the children being well. So they will first of all see if the children are saved or if they show signs that they are afraid of you. They will probably also question other references, such as teachers or educators (if the children are still in kindergarten) whether the children are in any way susceptible. If everything is okay, they will probably not take away the children (100% can’t be said. The children can also show behavioral vulnerabilities regardless of your consumption, or expert opinions can be negatively interpreted)

Will the time that marijuana is finally legalized so that authorities can take care of more important things. In other places, the parents accumulate and beat each other’s heads and yet the children often remain in the family forever.

PS: Knappe 29 grams are quite a lot. Make sure you stay under 6 grams in the future. Then there are not such serious consequences.

1 year ago
Reply to  daCypher

I grew up with parents who used to cried and would never do that to my children to see it. I hope it will never be legalized without a prescription.

1 year ago

If your husband only goes to drug counseling because he then expects a milder judgment, that is not so thoughtful.

Yeah, it’s gonna go out to take your kids away. No one believes that you only consume drugs when the children are in bed. And then only alternately?!

1 year ago

I’m sorry for the kids. But they’re not good at you. Sad. And you have to ask something like that in a forum.

In any case, you are listed at the Youth Office.

Criminal proceedings for the drug discovery will await you anyway.

You can only shake your head…

1 year ago
Reply to  MutterVon3722

You don’t even look for what’s missing to your children. they lack their reasonably functioning parents who are drug-free.

1 year ago
Reply to  MutterVon3722

And you know my family situation to give you a picture of whether our children are good at us?

that’s not, but what you’ve described is enough. you always look that one is clear in your head? And what’s the other one doing? Does he hide in front of the child so they can’t get his condition? for children it is also burdensome if always a parent is “comic on it”. They never know when they can rely on you.

My children don’t have anything here. I

except ZWEI parental parts that are always clear in mind.

If I sit down every night and drink a glass of champagne in front of my children, no man says anything.

because after 1 glass one is still clear in the head. You can not compare 1 glass of champagne with drug use (Also if you harmed it and title it only as a light drug. It’s enough for the mind to be misled. If you compare it with alcohol then someone who gets so cleansed that he doesn’t get any more mentally)

1 year ago
Reply to  MutterVon3722

A glass of champagne and drugs is also a huge difference. Of course, you can tell you that it’s not bad anymore. The couple of drugs, others do that too…

1 year ago

You can’t just stop it now. you are irresponsible and unable to care for the needs of your children. you are looking for the needs of your children. that’s what you don’t sneak. This is really stupid for you

1 year ago

you’re not sneaking, are you? you are addicted and are in treatment. let yourself in and give the children in loving and above all responsible hands. of which you lack everything.

1 year ago

children have lost nix in households of drug addicts like you. they should be pulled out urgently. you lack the spiritual maturity and the iq to understand and how to behave as parents

1 year ago

No, drug-free parents are not perfect. But you’re gonna give it up.

1 year ago

And that shows me again, it’ll be necessary to introduce a “parent driver’s license”. It must not be allowed to put children in this world.

Sorry, but please don’t give the children away from you, obviously you’re not ready for responsibility for a long time and don’t want to.

I hope that the Youth Office will not ignore and act again!

1 year ago
Reply to  MutterVon3722

That’s right, because everyone has only children because he wants them or wants them to…

1 year ago

No, but you say that if you didn’t want to be responsible, you wouldn’t have children.

How many children have probably been created by a “upps, stop has happened”. Then it has nothing to do with “I wanted to have the responsibility”.

I can’t judge if this is the case with you.