Hey ich habe eine Frage, wieso gibt es so viele Drogen dealer ? Und kann mir was passieren wenn ich einen verrate ? Ich habe schon damals raus gefunden das es viele davon gibt in meiner Stadt, haben die den auch keine Angst erwischt oder verletzt/ getötet zu werden ?
You mean the liquor stores and the wine merchants who sell the drug alcohol?
Because there is a high demand for customers…
LG 👍
‘Dealers’ perform an important social function. They satisfy the widespread social demand for drugs.
Dealers are subject to a high risk of getting caught, so they earn above average (if they do it right).
Dealers are also tobacco dealers, alcohol dealers, pharmacists.
There are so many drug dealers because there are so many people who buy them something.
Of course, they are also afraid of the effects. The greed for high income without serious work, however, is tempting.
Yeah. I feel like it or are there really many dealers in nrw? At that time there were 3-4 dealers loosely in my little town.