Drogen über kurzen oder langen Zeitraum einnehmen schlimmer?

Welches Szenario würde dem Körper mehr schädigen

Wenn man jede Woche über viele Monate mittelgroße Mengen an verschiedene Substanzen zu sich nehmen würde

oder sehr große Mengen an Substanzen über paar Tage

( Wir gehen natürlich davon aus das die „sehr großen“ Mengen nicht tödlich sind und nicht direkt zum Anfall etc führen )

Natürlich ist das eine sehr grobe Frage weil es tausende Substanzen gibt die von Cannabis bis zum crack/heroin reichen

Trotzdem würde es mich interessieren was schädlicher für den Körper ist

eine große starke Dosis oder wöchentlich kleinere Dosen einer Substanz

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2 years ago

Much at once is worse than little over a longer period, because man is very adaptable and accustomed to it. For example alcoholic, who can drink a bottle of vodka and is sturdy vs. the non-alcoholic who rarely drinks, who lands in the emergency room after a bottle of vodka and gets the stomach pumped out.

2 years ago
Reply to  Sini13

That’s absolutely bullshit. The body gets used to the noise and the crowd rises. Even if the amount remains the same, the damage continues. My mother is an alcoholic. With 50 already came the diagnosis liver damage and the doctor recommends to completely stop consumption. Of course, she doesn’t work and keeps breaking the liver.

2 years ago
Reply to  NeuDenker632

I never said it wasn’t harmful.

2 years ago

Studies on alcohol that are serious suggest that long-term consumption is more and more harmful than to intoxicate for a short time and then take a break.

2 years ago

This depends on the substance, but in principle, long-term intake and hence the inclusion in the metabolism is more dangerous than to shoot off a day. This also applies, for example, to alcohol. Anyone who drinks a beer every day is more endangered than someone who drinks 2 beers every 2 weeks a day.

2 years ago

I would say that if you don’t miss an overdose the drug is worse over a longer period of time, you don’t immediately destroy the body, but over a longer period of time. In the long run, drug does not only harm the body, but also your psyche.

2 years ago

Let’s get it off and then you’ve got more of it than you’ve always had

2 years ago

Weekly is not recommended. Better a certain amount, with at least one month distance, so that the tolerance can deteriorate and the serotonin balance regenerates. Safer use is an important point.

2 years ago

Because people are different and react differently to different drugs (or divorce) there is no general answer to the question.

2 years ago

all kinds of addiction is worse. is every form of life limited?

many mean that? then ask the wise ones they can explain to you many layers.

even the smallest quantities that everyone wants more and more?

2 years ago

What is more: to be pushed down 100 times a meter or 1 times 100 meters?!?