Drogen statt Verantwortung?
Hallo Leute warum nehmen heutzutage so viele junge Erwachsene Drogen ? Ich habe die traurige Erfahrung gemacht das der Drogenkomsum für viele eine Kompensation ist. Entweder ein Mangel an Liebe oder Nähe. Oder man flüchtet in eine andere Welt um sich mit seinen persönlichen Problemen nicht auseinandersetzen zu müssen. Doch wo und wie endet so etwas ?
“So many” is of course very meaningful…
Drug use is not the same as drug use. If Hansi glows himself to some oregano, he probably just wants to chill… that’s neither discarded nor bad now.
An unhealthy relationship with drugs is, of course, not good, fortunately the least consumer.
Alcohol is “exit” and “initial drug” #1, we are not even talking about illegal drugs.
This can come from lack of psychological care, lack of perspective, the environment or otherwise where, you must always consider the individual.
You lack the perspective….you can see that in your empty eyes. The grip on something that is stunned is always easier than the conflict with itself. But a little “noise” is also completely ok, because this also extends personal perception.
But the dose makes the poison!
Once rats have been implanted into the brain, which has been directly connected to your orgasm center. Whenever they pressed a button, an orgasm was then given. Guess what happened:
The rats have pressed this button so often until they have died of exhaustion, thirst or hunger. They made it to thirst!
Please explain this to me with the lack of perspective. And what are these people afraid of? to get to know themselves or to accept themselves?
I think a little of both. I mean, unperspectively, the youth has no idea what to do for them. The handle is simpler to the substance.
In a devil’s hole, I myself compensated for my emotions with drugs, eventually I was very emotional and had to learn to open myself again, very hard.
Stop as long as you can.
In my environment, some of them go down.