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2 years ago

The German reward system responds enthusiastically to credible lies.

2 years ago

I don’t know if it’s “free”. Maybe it depends on the history of this.

Personally, I am not per se “abstinent” of any drugs such as alcohol and co, but I personally have simply exempted myself from the social “straights”. Shall weeping: I eat piepegal whether a high holiday or celebration is, or whether you drink a glass on certain occasions, for example.

No matter who offers me what you offer me or how normal it would be to take any drugs of any kind: I have to have Bock on it myself and It must “taste me”. And neither do I make a big topic out there, nor let me talk. You’re going to celebrate, people order beer, I’m Cola. End of history. Evtl. Proverbs in this regard are answered with an undramaic “, now no xy ” is able to be answered and the subject is eaten.

And that, I think, is quite “releasing” if one does not always take part in the group, but preserves his own will.

2 years ago

This is just when you perceive drugs in your life as a problem. I smoke very rarely grass and even rare alcohol If I do it then I have a lot of pleasure in it. And otherwise one could possibly find in the way of thinking what it has a certain value to perceive reality, even as it is. And not falsified by a drug goggle.

2 years ago

Because then you are yourself (authentic).

2 years ago

Because you make your life better