Drogen Kokain?
Ich habe eine Frage. Und zwar hat ein Freund Kokain ( nur ganz wenig ) geschluckt und nun ist die Zunge und der Hals taub. Was bedeutet das und was kann man machen
Ich habe eine Frage. Und zwar hat ein Freund Kokain ( nur ganz wenig ) geschluckt und nun ist die Zunge und der Hals taub. Was bedeutet das und was kann man machen
Ist das normal, dass man nach dem Kiffen total abgehackt, also wie 1 Bild pro Sekunde sieht? Samstag war es mein erstes mal, da hatte ich gar nichts gespürt, beim 2. mal am Sonntag war es dann total krass: Wie gesagt hat das Sehen mega gelaggt, mein Herz schlug sehr sehr schnell und alles hat…
Regelmäßig. Kenne eine 24 Jährige Frau, welche das macht
Von Rotwein werde ich immer träge, müde und schlapp. Wieso ist das so und welcher Alkohol bewirkt das Gegenteil?
Hey Die Frage ist ein bisschen Sinnlos formuliert. Um das ein bisschen zu erläutern, ist jemand der von einem bestimmten Benzodiazepines abhängig ist automatisch von allen Medikamenten abhängig die in die Gruppe der Benzos fallen? Also würde jemand der nach Valium süchtig ist auch durch Loprazolam seine Sucht füttern können? Danke
Cocaine has a local anesthetic effect. Means that it is cocaine and the type will have good time if not too much
Thank you for the quick answer.
and was good
Very good XD
What to do is simply you never take such a stuff a drug cocaine to get rid of cocaine again if you are addicted that is as good as impossible and if then it takes a terrible long time, but he is also guilty if he has taken that I would not try out in 1000 years, and moreover if the numbness on his tongue or what you have written does not stop
As I would like to add, I do not drink a drop of alcohol and never illegally dry, but I have been using these chemical drugs with strong sleep and sedatives and also painkillers fully into the addiction, mainly the valium and other strong sedatives I have used for almost a year to get rid of it, I can talk about it when you take a withdrawal from these chemical drugs, then you can paint yourself out and your friend takes on coca!
I asked what happened and what you can do, and not a moral sermon
But you don’t need me so insulted moral preaching na well I’ve spent too much of it and that’s a crime and don’t answer me anymore I won’t go into it anymore Text End
Cocaine is a local anesthetic and therefore it is normal.
This is due to the cocaine/local anesthetic effect and disappears with the declining effect of the coke.
what can you do
You can leave your fingers of such substances to your psychic & physical health.
Thank you for the quick answer. He just wanted to try it once, so I made it possible, but he has no other way to get there. I also took care of
I hope he leaves it with this “experiment”.
Quickly one is caught in a addiction problem, but the way out is anything but easy and not a few do not create it and/or die due to it. I’ve been working in the drug scene for a few years, so much suffering and death, and I don’t want anyone.
In every bad feature film that has to do with cocaine, you will see that one of the parties rubs a pinch of coke on the gum and shortly afterwards – because the gum is baptized – nods the authenticity of cocaine.
In better feature films, the tester falls on Lidocain in such a fastness sample.
You, uh, your friend, don’t have to worry.
Recommended: Cocaine | Drugcouts.de
It’s normal. Cocaine is easily stunned. Since cocaine is almost always stretched on the road, it can also be that Lidocain is mixed in coke. Then the anesthesia is even stronger than pure cocaine. But then there is no reason to worry.
And why does your friend swallow cocaine? In oral consumption, bioavailability is significantly worse, the effect is only very little or not present. Why didn’t he pull it? The already expensive cocaine to swallow is pure waste