
hi ich vape seid einem jahr und seid 5 monaten ca auch kippen wenn mal jemand eine dabei hat.

aber langsam wird mir das zu langweilig ich bekomme keine nikotin schocks mehr und alles und wollte fragen was stärker ist als vapes und kippen also eine stufe höher mäßig?

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Due to the permanent supply of the substance, the body sometimes forms a certain tolerance to its effects. You could go here and take more and more. What is of course associated with increasing health risks. It would also be possible to take other substances whose use naturally entails very own risks. And what’s going on after they’ve exaggerated it? This can’t go on forever, but have bad consequences.

Instead, I recommend a tolerance break. Maybe a conversation with people from drug counseling. Just to have a different opinion. It goes confidential, non-binding and doesn’t cost anything.

6 months ago


Chewing tobacco, maybe?

He used to be made in Germany. Especially for people who were working underground and who were not able to get a cigarette there, Kautabak (he became Priem very welcome. Without or with natural flavor additives, it seems to be quite healthy.

If you live in Austria, an alternative.

6 months ago

Vapes -> Tilting -> Gras -> Speed -> MDMA -LSD -> Shrooms -> Koks -> Crystal

I would recommend you to skip speed to coke and start directly with Crystal. The easiest thing is to move to Frankfurt. Do not need an apartment or something.

6 months ago

What if you’d rather play with your dolls again, my child and the food will leave the adult?

6 months ago

You’re too young with your 13 years for some drug.