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2 years ago

No, they’re not. However, the nicotine contained therein. Without nicotine, they are not.

Nicotine is not harmful in the quantities in which it is present in Vapes, but it quickly depends.

Caffeine is also considered a drug.

2 years ago
Reply to  LeoPolitics

nicotine is very harmful, e.g. cancerous, and in small amounts and Niction makes strong

2 years ago
Reply to  AliaVonArrakis

Have you ever seen nicotine patches that someone has become dependent on?
They are used for smoking and help to continuously reduce the nicotine requirement.
And the same applies to e-cigarettes with reasonable liquids and reasonable nicotine dosage.
Personally, many users who have moved from the cigarette to e-cigarette and have reduced the nicotine content of their liquids to 0 in a few weeks. That would hardly be possible if nicotine were to depend in pure form!

Exception here are the disposable fingers with very high concentration of nicotine, partly even as nicotine salt – so that the effect is not felt so strongly in the neck – and overdosed aroma in the liquid…. I find this crap terribly and exactly the opposite of what an e-cigarette should be. I’m looking forward to the day this garbage is banned.

2 years ago
Reply to  AliaVonArrakis

No, nicotine is not carcinogenic, but can cause existing cancer cells to multiply faster.

2 years ago

Now I can’t confirm my aunt was dependent on the plasters for years.

And in April last year, I changed cigarettes to E cigarettes because I’ve all said I could get away from nicotine. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work at all when you put down the nicotine mg number, you just evaporate more and you have this part in your mouth and nucleates more than you smoke cigarettes.

My mother, my aunt both died of lung cancer.

I don’t understand that these hard drugs are legal, just like alcohol.

I’m throwing my cigarette away so that I finally get rid of it after almost 40 years of nicotine addiction. Lock me in so that no one gets my anger I get.

2 years ago

There are legal HHC vapes, but in general there are no THC in the vapes and sometimes even without nicotine. However, there are HHC vapes (effects similar to THC) which are not prohibited.

2 years ago
Reply to  HawkeyeDZoro

Did you see the video of tomatolix over hhc?

2 years ago
Reply to  northland1

Among other things, but if I smoke, I prefer to stay with cannabis from the street. I’m just an opportunity box.

2 years ago

With nicotine it is harmful like cigarettes, makes fast dependent and is cancer-producing

2 years ago

Yes, they are because there is nicotine.

2 years ago

Cigarettes together with alcohol are considered a “legal drug”. So, in a sense, yes.

2 years ago

With nicotine yes