Drittimpfung nach abgelaufener Zweitimpfung?
Meine (2-Fach) geimpft Status ist abgelaufen und ich würde gerne wissen welchen Impfstatus ich habe, wenn ich mich jetzt impfe.
Bin ich trotzdem 3- Fach geimpft oder bin ich dann einfach geimpft?
Ich lese immer nur von einer Empfehlung einen Booster 3-6 Monate nach der letzten Impfung zu machen. Auf meine Frage habe ich auf etlichen Öffentlichen Seiten versucht Antworten zu finden. Genau diese Konstellation wird nirgends beschrieben.
Hat jemand Erfahrung? Sprich genau das gleiche erlebt?
Each 3rd vaccination after a double immunization is considered to be completely vaccinated, even if the 3rd Vaccination takes place only after more than 1 year after the 2nd vaccination.
The status “vaccinated” with 2 vaccinations expires within Germany only on 30.09., from 01.10. you are only considered completely vaccinated with three vaccinations. But the two vaccinations remain “obtained”, you don’t start again from the front.
Join me the answer from luibrand . You can now have a third time inoculation. Vaccination May 2021 Johnson & Johnson , the protection was not so high . 2nd vaccination (booster ) in November 2021 Biontech , 3rd vaccination in February 2022 ( 2nd Booster Biontech )
That’s what I did, the four. Vaccination must be expected if there is a refreshment as in normal influenza vaccination. The 4th vaccination is only recommended for risk groups (care staff, doctors, nurses, etc.) .
Boosting renews the status.
After my coronary disease (after double vaccination, i.e. vaccination), the complete vaccination status ran 6 months, but was shortened by RKI to 3 months! But my employer only encouraged me to enter in full vaccination protection, so I had to inoculate again. The doctor did this inconsistent, as my best protection is the natural immunity by recovery and this is now insanely interrupted and my preloaded body is additionally loaded.
After vaccination, all previous entries are now grey (1st, 2nd vaccination and genesis status) in the vaccination pass and only the posture blue -> valid until January 2023
Then you’re boostered. But I advise you because first of all the vaccinations did not help much and 2. has led to severe side effects in many of the boosters.
I can’t confirm that.
After 6 months to booster is now standard. Some doctors guess about 4 months. There will be more.
Some doctors are unofficially recommending.
You can keep it like the one on the roof. There is no vaccination – the topic is from the table.