Dringend Hilfe! Keine Periode!?

Ich brauche Hilfe und das dringend.

ich hab so starke negative Gefühle ich habe Angst sehr Angst. Am 6 September hatte ich Geschlechtsverkehr aber wir sind uns sicher das nichts passiert ist (nicht mein erstes Mal) nur kommt mein Freund nicht in mir.
am 15 September hatte ich dann meine Periode wir waren erleichtert. Jetzt bekomme ich sie gar nicht, 2 Tage überfällig. Ich hatte vor 2/3 Wochen 2/3 Tage schmierblutungen. Jeden Morgen stehe ich auch mit unterleibschmerzen auf, vlt verspätet sich meine Periode?
ich möchte das nicht, ist nicht geplant! Habe sehr Angst. Bitte hilft mir


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4 months ago


No, you don’t get the period during pregnancy.EXECUTIVE!

As soon as the period entry is excluded a pregnancy from the last cycle. The period is the beginning of a new cycle which means the old one is now completely unimportant and to the end.

During the period, the cervical mucosa is ejected. When you get pregnant, the egg nests in the mucosa before the period. So if you were pregnant and you get your period, the cervical mucosa (in which the nested egg is also located) will be kicked off and you are no longer pregnant. So you can’t have the period at the same time and be pregnant. It’s just not going!

Clearly people tell a lot, there are also those who then say they would have been getting their days completely regular and in normal strength. From a purely biological point of view,completely impossible.

So you can already trust that if you get the period is not pregnant. Point out. You can have bleeding but these are not regular, not as strong and go without further symptoms. There are more lubrication bleedingclearlymake it different from the period!


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



4 months ago

Breathe. Condoms please get in front and read exactly how to use, b all well your pain and the bleedings are probably just the beginning it can move for the doubt test make early test goes 2 weeks after sex.

4 months ago

The answers do not change again.

If you’re so afraid, they’ll get a pregnancy test.

No matter how (un) is probably a pregnancy, you will not give a rest before you have not pinched on a stick.

4 months ago
Reply to  Hanna0464

It’s all right. They’re all right.

4 months ago

Pregnancy testing and done, no one can tell you if you’re pregnant.

4 months ago
Reply to  Hanna0464

may be quite doubtful also go to the female doctor for blood testing

4 months ago

then you would have to ask