dringend hilfe?
Undzwar ich wollte wissen wie das funktioniert.
ich hatte am Donnerstag ungeschützten sex (er ist nicht in mich gekommen) und in meiner app stand das ich unfruchtbar bin jedoch sollte ich meine Periode am samstag bekommen meine Periode verspätet sich immer.
meine frage ist einfach wie das abläuft ob ich schwanger werden könnte oder nicht. ob ich angst haben sollte oder nicht.
danke im voraus!!
Thank you for your friendship request!
I am really looking forward to any positive assessment. But please let me understand that I have “friends” exclusively in real life.
Sperm survive in the female body for up to 5 days and can wait in the egg guide for an egg. An egg is fertilizing for a maximum of 24 hours. Fertilization only occurs on the ovulation day itself.
The fertile time is therefore composed of the survival of the sperm and the egg cell and therefore extends from 5 days before to one day after the ovulation.
Only from sex in this time can a woman become pregnant.
For a picture book cycle of 28 days (first day of menstruation is the first day of the cycle) the ice jump takes place around the 14th. cycle day instead. Then the fertile days extend from the 10th to the 15th cycle day.
But hardly a woman works like a Swiss clockwork and the ovulation cannot be easily counted on the calendar.
Approximately 12 to (hormonell condition maximum) 16 days – i.e. on average 14 days after ovulation the period begins. This is the “more constant phase” with only 4 days of fluctuation.
However, the time until the ovulation (also very!) can be different lengths or even short. Thus, larger cycle irregularities occur in the first phase before ovulation. However, this is always known without more accurate cycle observation (e.g. with the symptothermal method) only afterwards by the insertion of the period and the fertile time had then, if necessary, shifted accordingly.
If you also have significantly extended cycles in between and still assume stoically that your period comes after 28 days, in an extended cycle a few days before the “expected” period can give an ovulation and a pregnancy arise.
With more than half of all healthy women find the ovulation times after the 14th. Cycle day instead, 10% of it even after the 22nd cycle day.
A cycle app can only work with the data you feed it over a longer period of time and calculates your “average cycle” due to probabilities.
However, the app has no idea of your living circumstances, which may influence your hormones and therefore your fertile days.
In order not to be afraid, one can always prevent it.
See also my post here:
Happy for you!
Yes can be stopped and not. It’s a critical phase. Why didn’t you grab the pill after that or spiral after it? Or prevented?
because I have no money and to prevent it has not come I told him that I don’t want and he did it anyway so no warning
So was su secured? Aren’t you to the police? How old are you? Don’t you have parents? Health insurance?
I was not aware
If you say no to GV and he does it anyway
does that mean that I was raped? I am 16. yes I’m a parent
If you’re unsure, you’ll be able to get the pill out of the pharmacy. I don’t think anyone can say that. I was pregnant, for example, despite pill. So, I’m afraid KANN’s been through a lot.
otherwise do a test!
yes the problem is that it was on Thursday and you can take the pills afterwards at least 5 days later