Drei Tests positiv und bluttest negativ?

Hallo mal ne Frage bin langsam am verzweifeln… ich hatte am 7. Juni meine Periode bekommen. Am 10.Juni Gv. Am 21. Juni 3 Tests gemacht positiv . Heute bluttest negativ … habe aber unterleib ziehen und etwas Brustwarzen picksen … kennt sich wer aus und kann mir da helfen? Danke schon mal…..

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8 months ago


A blood test is more meaningful than the urine test.

Anyway, you tested too early with 11 days after the GV. A pregnancy test is meaningful only from the absence of the period or at the latest 19 days after the last GV.

So if the blood test No says the urine tests continue to say yes then go again to the gynecologist until the results match or that one was refuted or occupied. If the tests are always positive, however, nothing can be detected in the blood, then there can be something other than a pregnancy behind it.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



8 months ago

Repeat tests if further positively return to Gyn and so on until the result is clear, from the 6. Week you can recognize pregnancy in ultrasound. I’ve seen too many consequences of “I didn’t know I was pregnant” and such inconsistencies are a common reason why pregnancy remains undetected. And if there is really no pregnancy, you should still find out why the tests were positive at home. This can also indicate a tumor.

8 months ago

You’d have symptoms later. Either you don’t use correct pregnancy tests or use them incorrectly.

8 months ago
Reply to  Micha683

For those you always see the embossing line, you might have interpreted it as positive.

8 months ago

First, the HCG is in the blood and then only in the urine.

8 months ago

The blood test is definitely much more reliable.

8 months ago

The blood test is meaningful. He’s not lying.

Apart from that, it is very unlikely to get pregnant on day 3-8 in the regular cycle.

8 months ago

I’m sorry. Either you trust the blood test or you don’t trust it.

But all trust doesn’t use anything if the blood test says something wrong. And we lack what you would like: a glass ball.