Dream of a zombie apocalypse


i often have a dream about a zombie apocalypse. It’s not always the same dream, but these dreams are always about zombie apocalypses.

My last dream went like this: I was on a ship with many friends and acquaintances, there were about 100 people, for some reason some turned into zombies and infected the others. More and more people were infected and became zombies. I took an axe and was forced to kill some of my transformed friends and acquaintances. After that, I narrowly escaped from the ship and ran through a snowy winter landscape while being chased by hundreds to dozens of zombies.

I never felt a moment of fear, sadness or despair, which would be appropriate in this situation, on the contrary I even felt a sense of happiness and had a lot of fun, it was like a game of life and death. I have no hatred for my friends and no desire to kill them, so that probably has nothing to do with it. I don’t watch horror movies either.

One thing I should add: I was diagnosed with antisocial and narcissistic personality disorder (for those who don’t know: Wikipedia) a year ago, and according to my psychologist I am a “malignant narcissist”. I’ve only been having these dreams for a few months though and haven’t told my psychologist about this dream yet and don’t plan to, for reasons you don’t need to know. This is not a joke, I don’t want to make fun of anyone or make a name for myself, I just want to know what could be the reason for such dreams.

Yours sincerely


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12 years ago

next time evtl don’t write about the diagnosis, otherwise you’ll get more simply knitted answers. it can somehow be connected, but it doesn’t have to. I think that in this dream it makes a difference whether he came to you cuddly-like, or rather clear and ordered. first would be a dream caused by comical eating and/or too much data on the day before, second something else, perhaps a pending decision to somehow make themselves independent of fellow human beings. maybe

12 years ago

I’d guess your diagnosis gives you the answer… Don’t know me now, but that you’re evil in your dreams is nothing worrying about, that would probably also confirm psychologists.