Drang zur Selbstverletzung?

Ich leide sehr stark an Depressionen und einem Burn-out. Vor Jahren war ich bereits in einer Klinik da ich nicht mehr leben wollte und mich selbst verletzt habe. Nach der Klinik ging es mir besser, habe gelernt mit meiner Depression umzugehen. Nun sind ein paar sehr schreckliche Dinge in meinem Leben passiert und ich bin noch tiefer gesunken als ich es damals schon war. Nun habe ich wieder mit meinen Depressionen zu kämpfen und diesmal so stark wie noch nie, als wäre das nicht genug habe ich auch ein Burn-out. Ich habe mich nun schon seit über 5 Jahren nicht mehr selbstverletzt, doch jetzt wird der Drang danach wieder so stark das ich nicht weiß wie lange ich noch „wieder stehen“ kann. Wir schaffe ich es nicht rückfällig zu werden?

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5 months ago

Hello dear summer rain,

that sounds very burdensome.

Do you have a point of contact? Self-inflation pressure in depression is often a sign for “I can no longer”. A relieved conversation can help. Do you have a therapy or are you connected to a consultancy, social psychiatry or something?

Sometimes a conversation with the telephone care can take the greatest pressure.

My approach would therefore be that you go into conversation and get help or seek.

5 months ago

I may sound stubborn, but I will never understand why you hurt yourself

5 months ago
Reply to  Chicken113

There are various reasons:

*I feel so blunt that physical pain allows access to a sensation

*Emotional pain that feels unbearable, whereas the physical pain can be sustained

*The feeling of being able to control (as often as doll, at which point etc.) if everything feels as if no control is possible

*Wut demolition

*To the outside: compassion, “I feel bad”, attention, care, manipulation

* Tension reduction

*Dissociative states that are terminated by pain

*Review of experienced trauma

Just to mention some examples.

5 months ago
Reply to  Nachtkindchen

Are excuses for me to escape reality, which is weakness. You risk your life even though there are alternatives. Consider the other side of the world, where people fight daily for survival and still do not complain. But everyone likes him

5 months ago

I’m with you!

5 months ago

It helps to talk to someone

5 months ago

I myself think that psychological problems are rarely about excuses, and not at all about weakness. And this striking comparison with other people elsewhere is also not helpful.

But I think there’s no need for a basic discussion here. I just wanted to mention possible reasons why people are self-harming. Everyone has other management mechanisms. If you don’t have any suffering for you, I’m really happy for you.

5 months ago

In which you go to a clinic and let you take up.