Drang einatmung? Leidensdruck?
dieser Drang nach tiefer Einatmung wird immer schlimmer und ich finde keine Hilfe. Kardiologe, Urologe, Nephrologe, Lungenfacharzt, Orthopäde , MRT & CT alles unauffällig, aber es wird nicht weniger.
Ganz im Gegenteil, mein rechter hinterer Rücken spannt so sehr und es ist eine Art Druckgefühl. Wenn ich mich hinsetze und die Faszienrolle hinter meinen Rücken lege oder auch die Akupressurmatte nehme, dann wird die Atmung besser. Es kann doch nicht nur psychosomatisch sein, wenn das hilft. Es muss doch einen Zusammenhang dann mit Atmung und Rücken geben. Kennt das jemand?
If all other findings do not deliver any results, imagine a physiotherapist or a chiropractor. Such symptoms can actually also be triggered by jammed back nerves or displaced discs/wirls.
Here you have a small overview of which blocked vertebrae can trigger the symptoms.
Hello, thank you. I was already with both, but unfortunately it did not bring a lasting improvement. It’s like looking for the needle in the haystack and you feel so alone.
There’s nothing going to be better, you’ll have to use it again and again. Parallel, you can do various exercises to strengthen your back muscles and move a lot ahead.
There are also such massage mats as chair cover, which help with acute complaints also very well.
Thanks for the overview. I find very interesting.
I looked a lot at my physiotherapist and showed a few more of youtube. There is a lot for various areas of the spine (LWS, BWS, Becken,…). You have to try out a little what works best with you…
Can you recommend special exercises?
Different. Rather light, sometimes this tightness and felt heart discomfort. Sometimes also more intestinal problems, such as the reactive arm or kidneys (depending on where it just “clamps”). It was also found several times with the doctor and even KH, but also nix. If everything comes from the back and as I often have to lift hard to work, something is getting stuck again and again. In the meantime, with various stretching exercises and massage techniques, I have a very good grip on it without always having to go to the physio.
Do you have this breathing problem?