Drachen waren sie wirklich real oder existieren sie noch?
Also mal Angenommen Drachen hat es nie gegeben dann stellt sich für mich erst einmal die Frage woher kommen die ganzen Geschichten? Aristoteles da er sie als erstes erwähnte. Dort war es jedoch nur das Wort für Schlange doch danach kristallisierte sich der Drache daraus. Nun kommt man zu dem Punkt das man sich denkt: das ist doch der Beweis das sie nicht existieren. Doch genau dort setzt meine Frage an. Nun ja eher 2.
- Aristoteles war nicht der erste der eine Schlange entdeckt hat nun warum hat er dann ein neues Wort für sie dem Lateinischen Wort Speicher hinzugefügt?
- Und nun zu meiner 2. Frage: Was war davor und damit meine Ich vor Aristoteles (vielleicht auch vor den Dinosauriern) es ist wissenschaftlich nicht unmöglich Feuer zu erzeugen. Und wenn ein Drache wirklich so starke Schuppen hat dann sollte es ihm wenig ausmachen. Den fehlenden Fossilen Beweis kann man außerdem so erklären wenn die Drachen noch vor den Dinosauriern gelebt haben und sich ihre Knochen schon zersetzt haben. Das würde zwar beinhalten das wir NICHT in einer Ko-Existenz mit ihnen leben aber wer weiß… Schließlich ist wenig über die Zeit vor den Dinosauriern bekannt. Und die Urknall Theorie ist genauso Löchrig wenn man sich vor Augen führt das am Anfang nichts war und das in einem Riesigen Knall explodiert ist. Vor allem da die Ursache nicht bekannt ist man könnte also genauso sagen das davor schon etwas existiert hat vielleicht ja Drachen…
Es hört sich zwar wenig wie eine Frage an aber trotzdem würde Ich mich über eure Theorien freuen ;).
Anbei noch eine Umfrage:
Well, the big bang theory is bad, but you’re very sure when and how the earth was born. It is also relatively safe from when there were individuals and at their time there can be no dragons. And even of these one-cellers there were fossils. Clearly one has discovered a tiny fraction of the species that existed, but if Aristotle has even seen living dragons, one should already find fossils. In addition, a fossil is only a fossil when it is older than 10k years, so the time until Aristotle is very short for it. But basically they could have been there, but why believe in it without any proof?
Well, you’re right to believe today’s theories.
It can also be clear that Aristotle just saw a giant snake. Nevertheless, there is no proof that it has not been given before the dinosaurs. Since research can’t go so far. Thus, however, there is also lack of a reasonable counterfeit to refute existence, which explains why (including I) believe in the existence of dragons.
Well, before the dinosaurs there were only individuals (they would be to the dinosaurs) and before that the earth was not exactly life-friendly.
But during the Dino time it could have been somehow possible for them to believe in it, but Jah.
I would compare it with a thought experiment:
In theory, it is possible for the Earth to float a teapot in space. It could somehow, no matter how small the probability is, have landed up there. The thing is, you can find bad evidence. It’s impossible to search all space.
But because there is just the possibility that something can be, it doesn’t mean that it is.
But you can of course believe in it, I mean it also people believe in God and that I will not condemn in any case ^^
Oh, I’m sorry, I thought of my last fossil GFS, I’d be very well educated, so I’m not 😅
Thanks for the correction ^^
There were much more than individuals in front of the dinosaurs and we have a quite good picture of evolution since the Kambrium, which was clearly before the dinosaurs. Beings from this time are usually more simple in their appearance and in no way have the characteristics that are attributed to dragons. A vertebrate animal with 6 extremities has also not been found, nor biologically plausible, since it had to develop very far away from all others and so something, even by the principle of the local optimum, cannot occur in evolution in such a short time.
If dragons exist, then one would also find fossils, even if they had died long before the dinosaurs, as we also have fossils from these periods, which are far more difficult to preserve.
The image of an lizard-like being with 4 legs and wings spread in the western world is also biologically impossible, as among the vertebrates, among which they would count the images, there was no single ever discovered animal with 6 extremities, of which 2 differ so much from the others.
Dragons, like unicorns, are a myth that has self-contained over time. From the simple wrong use of the word Drakōn, which stands for all sorts of snakes, about exaggerations in the artistic design of images and sculptures, it is quite possible and even very likely that flames were from the split tongue of a Waran with time, resulting in the myth that they spy fire.
This is also called the silence-post effect that we find practically everywhere where the imagination of people goes through with them and they want to describe things even more fantastic when they were actually.
At all times there were myths and legends. Often there are real events or phenomena interwoven with worries, fears, hopes of people. A dragon should fall into this category, perhaps inspired by dinosaur bone finds?
Today there are also tens of urban legends, many of them think that people believe in abductions through aliens, etc. There is no single scientific evidence for this, these legends only keep themselves counted on and the fascination that perform such stories.
The Big Bang Theory is not lonely, it is general consensus. A “before the Big Bang” cannot have been physically. Because only with the Big Bang was space and time.
We even know a lot about the world before the dinosaurs. Almost 3.7 billion Years are the oldest traces of beings found so far. They are Stromatoliths from Greenland. Significant fossil deposits with finds from the time before the dinosaurs are e.g. B.
The dinosaur fossils (and also fossils of other extinct animals such as the aerodrome) are the dragon fossils. People have always found dinosaur fossils long before they were in the 19th century. Centuries received their name “Dinosaurs” by Richard Owen and were recognized as long ago extinct beings. The people who used to find fossils of dinosaurs could not explain themselves, so they tried to find an explanation. And then these finds were interpreted as the remains of dragons.
Bone findings from flying lizards in many countries in the world have probably caused the image of the dragon to emerge in antiquity and has aroused humanity’s imagination.
The descriptions of the people whose what they have found fit quite well to what they have discovered here and there – random or targeted – excavations.
Therefore, to the question whether dragons have ever existed, a clear JEIN!
True dragons I don’t think sometimes, but there’s Mini doesn’t know how to call them but little viechers that are so similar
Of course there are still Komodowarane/ Grottenolme, which are probably related to dinosaurs. But this is also just a theory and is not sure. Finally, evolutionary theory is also doubted
There’s only one dragon in our world, but it’s homeless.
I was hoping for such a play. 😂