Dr. Untenrum: Mann oder Frau?
Wenn Ihr aus welchen Gründen auch immer mal zu einem Facharzt müsst, dem Ihr Eure Genitalien zeigen müsst, wonach wählt Ihr diese Person aus?
Vom gleichen Geschlecht (also Frau zur GynäkologIN bzw. Mann zum UrologEN) oder genau andersrum? Oder ist es egal?
Meine Frau z.B. geht lieber zu ner Frauenärztin, weil sie deren eigener Expertise als Frau eher vertraut als einem Mann. Obwohl es ja haufenweise Männer in dem Beruf gibt, nicht selten sogar Schwule.
Ich bin jetzt in nem Alter, wo mann zur Vorsorge gehen sollte und ich habe einen Termin bei einer UrologIN gemacht. Möchte mich lieber von einer Frau untersuchen lassen. War bei meiner lange zurückliegenden Vasektomie aber auch schon bei einem Arzt.
Klar, solche Untersuchungen haben nix mit Sex zu tun. Wie begründet Ihr Eure Wahl? Oder ist es egal?
I don’t care. I’ve been to gynecologists and gynecologists.
Many women actually prefer gynecologists because they are supposed to examine more gently and cautiously – which I cannot confirm.
I’m currently going to a gynecologist, which is due to chance. I was looking for a move to a new female doctor/woman doctor and this practice has just started new patients at that time.
I don’t care. Both men and women need to study medicine to be a doctor or a doctor. To be a doctor.
Sure, but a doctor sometimes has his own experience with regular pain or the feeling of pain. Not a man.
Regular pain is felt differently by every woman, so a gynecologist has no advantage.
No, that I do not take such considerations instead, should be apparent from my question. But I have often heard women argue so similar.
Well – but would you just go to a cardiologist if he had heart problems? To a dentist only if he had a toothache himself? To the oncologist only if he was already a cancer patient?
It was just an example.
ICh has been with 2 Urologists. Selected them by place of residence and professional competence. I didn’t care if you were a man, a woman, something in between or Klingons.
However, the absolute majority of the Urologists are men.
PS: Urologists are no “men doctors”. Andrologists. Urologists treat the urological tract. And they have men and women. My wife was already at the Urologen
A urologist is there for both sexes.
He probably means Androloge…! 🤓👆
No, he doesn’t mean.
I know because kidneys, bladder, urethra occur in both sexes. But with a lot of things, woman goes to the gym.
That wasn’t the question.
I’d rather go to a woman.
I also feel more comfortable there
I’m going to qualify. Whether man or woman. I want to be helped.
I don’t care about the doctor’s sex.
It counts the expertise, empathy. I want to be treated like a human being and feel good at it. I have a diagnosed psychic trauma associated with doctors, so the above is extremely important to me. That counts for me. And this alone is really hard to find.
I have no preferences as a woman.
I’ve been to a female doctor and a doctor.
But I believe that a woman can better put herself in you, as she knows these symptoms, a man only learns from the manual.
I don’t care.