DPD findet Adresse angeblich nie?
Bei uns war es jetzt schon oft der Fall, dass der DPD Fahrer unsere Adresse immer als „falsch“ oder „nicht gefunden“ im Tracking angegeben hat.
Das kann aber gar nicht sein, unsere Adresse gibt es ja. Manchmal gibt er es direkt bei der Poststelle ab, manchmal schleppt er es tagelang im Fahrzeug umher und gibt am Ende des Tages „nicht gefunden“ an. Irgendwann steht es dann vor der Tür, also findet er die Adresse doch.
Das nervt mich sehr, das ist immer nur bei DPD so. Bei GLS, Post, UPS und wie die alle heißen kam es immer vor die Tür.
Habe sogar mal bei DPD angerufen und der Frau am Telefon erklärt wo der Fahrer fahren muss, die konnte das irgendwie in einem Programm eingeben damit er es sieht. Dann kam es richtig an. Doch neulich fand DPD die Adresse angeblich wieder nicht.
Haben DPD Fahrer kein Navi / Handy oder was?
the drivers have a lot of stress and if your address is a little off its route then it does not drive them and enters “not found”.
Once I even saw him a few meters further down and then he drove away and indicated it as “not found”.
Then I just called and the next day it was right.
Do they have a navigation or not?
They even integrated the navigation in the scanner and are (actually) automatically soldered from customer to customer.
However, as the drivers or subcontractors have to pay penalties if they do not manage to complete the tour, the often “false address” or something. Then it doesn’t matter and they got out a few minutes again
Nothing went back to the seller so far. Everything was coming, it only took time.
she also goes – and he even gets billed “return fees”.
Oh, so they usually do it when they don’t have time anymore?
Is stupid for and customers if there is “false address” I am always afraid that the goods go back to the seller because he does not find it.
Choose a different service when shipping, only so comes improvement that stay good, the others disappear.
I cannot choose the service at the online shop! Otherwise, I would have done it by now.
Where to Buy Other, Shop Inform about the Problems with DPD
Amazon, Media Market and Square Enix automatically provide a service. There’s nothing you can choose. Must be lucky that it’s not DPD, which is sometimes the case.
Share your delivery point with DPD
3Words Map
Then in the future only annoy the shop, you have to do with DPD nix, you’re just a recipient!
Again problems always turn to the shop (package not get!)
Only the shop has possibilities it is the shipping client!
I can’t hire it myself, the seller does. And I don’t have a way to pick up the package because I don’t have a license yet. So I have to have it delivered.
Then it would be possible to have the packages of this shop delivered directly to a dpd pick-up point.
It always happened, but sometimes it took days to find the address.
The shop won’t change anything because of me, they always ship like that. And as I said, I have to order this, the things are nowhere else.
I can’t order the things differently, they’re only available in these shops. And in a store, I can’t buy them, they don’t exist in my country.
Square Enix sells things that no other store sells so I have to order them there.
They can’t do anything to send this to DPD. The goods always come from France and there the mail is sent there with La Poste. As soon as I arrive in Austria, it will be handed over to the DPD service. They can’t do anything.
Amazon rarely takes DPD, there is usually the post or GLS.