Downloadcode von Amazon wurde nicht geschickt?

Hallo ich habe gerade mich bei amazon angemeldet aber nur mit meiner Handynummer und nicht mit meiner E-Mail.Dann habe ich einen Minecraft downloadcode gekauft und da stand das er auf meine Email gesendet wurde.Das würde er nicht weil ich habe ja auch keine angegeben.Was soll ich jetzt machen weil mein Geld ist jetzt weg 🙁

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6 months ago

Simply call Amazon, upload and ask the ID for personal and age verification on request, should not be a problem: customer service/

6 months ago

What should I do now because my money is gone?

You can contact Amazon or the dealer where you bought it, who can help you.

6 months ago

Amazon is in principle only from 18J allowed.

You’re still Child and must not use Amazon at all.
Think you can get locked and forget the money.

And this is your own fault if you don’t care about the rules and violate them.

6 months ago
Reply to  Luca444379ps

Your lock will follow.

And that your friend does something wrong, that doesn’t change the fact that you did something wrong.

For comparison.
If you’re driving black in the train, or if you go to shop theft, is it better if your friend goes black or shop theft?

5 months ago

Yes, you can.
This is even a very good and vivid comparison – especially for children!
When it comes to driving from the car, even children understand that there are fixed and binding rules when you can do that.

5 months ago

Child, do you believe that you do not have to take rules, terms of use and laws seriously?

Are you driving – with 13J – a secret car too, because you don’t care about driving licence rules?

6 months ago

At Amazon order, this is basically only from 18J allowed – no matter what is ordered.
What do you not understand “from 18J“?

Are you driving a car with 13J because you don’t care about the driving rules?
And do you think it’s okay to drive with 13J if you’re not getting caught?

Amazon will catch you in any case and then follow your lockdown.
There are always questions and stories from crying minors who have been caught and locked up for ever and no longer get to their money.