Download slow for no reason why?
I downloaded a 60 GB game today via Origin. I have a download speed of 50 MB but it only downloads at 7-8 mb/s even though all other applications are closed and this isn't just the case with Origin but also with Steam and Co. What can I do about it???
Partly this is regulated in the usage in the settings of the providers since you have to put on unlimited use so that all ressorucen will be used, even in e.g. the fritzbox should be allocated to you unrestricted resources.
you’re probably confusing MegaByte with MegaBit.
It’s your contract that you have 50 megabits.
8 MegaBit (MBit) = 1 MegaByte (MB)
And if we share your 50 megabits through 8 comes out 6,25 megabytes.
If you jzt with 7-8 MegaByte downloads, you get even more power than the vehicle stands for 7-8 MegaByte would be 6-14 MegaBit more.
I hope it is understandable.
You could learn to read and apply the units correctly.
You don’t have 50 MB/s (Megabyte/s) download rate, but more than 50 Mbit/s (Megabit/s).
These are about 6.25 MB/s. So if Origin displays 7-8 MB/s, this is already more than you should have.
If you really have 50 MB/s (400 Mbit line), then it is possible to limit the download server or your LAN. Wi-Fi is about a strong brake at these speeds. It should be gigabit Ethernet.
Are you sure you have 50MB download rate and not 50mbit?
50MBs times 8 = 400Mbit line?
8MB * 8 bit = 64 Mbit line ?
50 Mbits (the speed unit in the lines and contracts) correspond to 8 megabytes per second in the download. The units bit and byte are in a ratio of 8:1. You have an optimally running internet connection.