Doppelter Ton im Discord stream?


wenn ich meinen freunden im Discord was streame kommt es oft vor das meine Freunde mich doppelt hören und manchmal meine Hintergrundgeräusche wie Tastatur und Maus auch, manchmal ist das Problem nicht da aber oft dann doch, da wollte ich fragen obs eine dauerhafte Lösung für das Problem gibt weil das meine freunde sehr stört wenn man mich im Stream doppelt hört.


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2 months ago
  1. Enable echo suppression: Discord has a built-in echo suppression that you can activate to prevent double hearing. Go to the User settings > Language & video settings and activate the option for Echo suppression.
  2. Adapt microphone sensitivity: Reduce the Microphone sensitivity in discord. Too sensitive micros can absorb all noises from the environment. You will find the setting below Language & video settings.
  3. Use headset or headphones: If you use speaker, the microphone can record the sound from the speakers and an echo is generated. Headphones can solve this problem.
  4. Enable push-to-talk: When you activate “Push-to-Talk”, only the sound will be transmitted when you press a button. This prevents background noise from being transmitted continuously.
  5. Use microphone software: If your microphone has a software like “NVIDIA Broadcast” or a similar noise suppression, you can use it to filter background noise.

If the problem continues, it might be the type of microphone or audio settings in your operating system.