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likes both but pizza what more
I like Döner but love pizza
It’s a difficult decision, but I think I’m choosing pizza. :
I like pizza since I was a kid. With Döner I’m just too much meat. The first bites are horny when there are plenty of vegetables and sauce. At the end only salty meat and bread.
Definitely pizza. Döner maybe every couple of years.
Then a pizza
You have more of it and it costs almost equal [€]
Greetings, Jan
I’d rather eat pizza and if Döner, then prefer Dönerteller.
Both very
I choose a beautiful homemade pizza, with salami, red peppers, mushrooms and mozzarella. food-2661933/
More pizza. I can’t smell Döner anymore. Previously, when I smelled the scary of Döner I wanted to get one but now goes away with the hunger when I smell döner or I get pleasure on a pizza but döner I somehow don’t really like that anymore
I prefer pizza.
both equal
Simple solution: Döner-pizza
Best of both
Pizza always tastes 👍🍕
sometimes also a vegan döner.
The Italian pizzas also taste. But the American pizzas zero.
I like pizza.
Team Pizza 💪
Döner Save
Both not 😉
Clearly Döner.