Donauwelle noch essbar?
Ich habe Donauwelle gebacken für meinen Vater zum Geburtstag und dann kühl gestellt. Frühs habe ich die Donauwelle dann auf den Geburtstagstisch gestellt und er hat die Donauwelle nicht wieder in den Kühlschrank gestellt. Jetzt stand sie bis 16:00 auf dem Esstisch (teilweise auch in der Sonne). Kann man die Donauwelle jetzt noch essen oder könnte sie Salmonellen haben?
Sure she has salmonella. But how high is concentration?
For such things man has taste nerves! If the part has too high a concentration of pathogens, it usually tastes bad. It’s called disgusting. That’s why, just try.
But hey, bake the same day and eat it should usually be harmless.
My grandpa tasted and said she tasted good. But there’s no difference in salmonella.
That may be right. But I doubt someone will come by and the Salmonella will strike the Danube wave. Ergo they emerge by standing around the Danube wave too long. And then spoil the other things, and it tastes bad or stand out.
So you think you can still eat it when it tastes good?
Sure it’s still edible, let it taste you. :
Sure? It stood all day in the sun🤔
Yeah, it wasn’t such a long time.
If I’ve done it, you can eat.
From 8:00 to 16:00
Good appetite, the chocolate preserves quite well.
At the baker, the cakes are standing around uncooled for longer.
Really… thought they were chilled!?