Domain price differences?
Why do domains have such large price differences between different providers?
Why do domains have such large price differences between different providers?
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The domain is called sog. “Premium” domain classified as it contains the well-known city “New York” in the domain.
Such a domain, although still available, is classified by overseas providers as a “premium” and is provided with a markup that does not get to the actual price of the domain, but only because the domain is so “welcomed” and “known”.
Strato as a German provider does not do this. Here a domain is sold according to its market price and the price is not adjusted to factors such as “popularity” and co. Therefore, prices are drastically lower.
So this also means, in turn, it is much smarter to buy or borrow such domains at Strato. Or do I have to pay some hidden costs?
Of course. Unless you want 1,500€.
Strato likes to make contracts. Therefore, the domain does not run on pre-paid basis, but also via a contract that automatically lengthens, you should not cancel before.
There are no hidden costs. Only a setup fee and Strato’s own domain guard, which is not necessary.
Domains are a business with which many have already earned a fortune.
Can it be that you haven’t read the offers properly? On the one hand, web hosting and email seems to be there and not on the other. The range of functions (“how much” web hosting, e-mail addresses etc.) also makes great differences in costs.
No, if that’s the only way I could have been around the domain with both providers. I host web server myself, in my case the DNS entry refers only to the IPv4 address from my server.