dömain cloudflare?
habe mich leider überschätzt und mist gebaut
bei cloudflare domain gekauft,
mein server zuhause, soll über das interneterreichbar sein, da der isp ip dynamisch vergibt, muss meine fritzbox cloudflare über dyndns meine ip mitteilen.
leider nicht so kinderleicht einzurichten wie bei strato
api token und so weiter, bin überfordert, kostete 7 dollar im jahr, werde nicht arm, aber es wurmt mich
kann mir jemand helfen, und erklären, bitte keine links angeben, wo, was steht.
jetzt erst mal ein kaffee
Do not have to – you can always update the entry manually
Yes, even very simple
The cost of the domain is different. And why does it cause you, the problem is simply detachable and the domain is still usable
Why do you want to reinvent the wheel if you have the information right elsewhere?
I don’t care.
You have several options, sometimes:
Ok tomorrow we go on thank you
I thank you for the FRITZ!Box really worked. I was simply ignorant so the name that is at the FRITZ!Box is, so to speak, the main domain and the cname entry is nothing but a reference to the main domain. there is an A entry for the actual IP address
I ask again what I already asked in your previous question:
Why don’t you take the myFritz service that’s already stored in your FritzBox that you can reach your box?
Otherwise: https://github.com/L480/cloudflare-dyndns
Ok and how do I connect it with the domain at cloudflare hope that I will give you what you write
I’m not a cloud flare client. I’m at Netcup and have .de domains for € 1.50 a year.
But how to connect a cloudflare DNA to the FritzBox is in the link.
Otherwise you can put myFritz on your domain provider as CNAME.
The API of Cloudflare is not complicated, has recently also implemented DynDNS.
Here is the matching API Call including example Curl command. You can do this yourself.
Otherwise, if you only need Ipv4, you can use a service like DuckDNS, even use this Myfritz service whatever, and use a CNAME entry to “redirect your domain to the DynDNS service”. In the browser you see your domain, but in the background it takes the IP from the DynDNS service.
If you don’t understand DNA at all. A Records are an IPv4 address. CNAME refer to another entry. AAAA Records are available for IPv6. So you need to update an A/AAAAAA Record via the API, or refer to a current entry via a CNAME.